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A pure PHP implementation of the MessagePack serialization format /[PHP]


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A pure PHP implementation of the MessagePack serialization format.


Table of contents


The recommended way to install the library is through Composer:

composer require rybakit/msgpack



To pack values you can either use an instance of a Packer:

use MessagePack\Packer;

$packer = new Packer();


$packed = $packer->pack($value);

or call a static method on the MessagePack class:

use MessagePack\MessagePack;


$packed = MessagePack::pack($value);

In the examples above, the method pack automatically packs a value depending on its type. However, not all PHP types can be uniquely translated to MessagePack types. For example, the MessagePack format defines map and array types, which are represented by a single array type in PHP. By default, the packer will pack a PHP array as a MessagePack array if it has sequential numeric keys, starting from 0 and as a MessagePack map otherwise:

$mpArr1 = $packer->pack([1, 2]);               // MP array [1, 2]
$mpArr2 = $packer->pack([0 => 1, 1 => 2]);     // MP array [1, 2]
$mpMap1 = $packer->pack([0 => 1, 2 => 3]);     // MP map {0: 1, 2: 3}
$mpMap2 = $packer->pack([1 => 2, 2 => 3]);     // MP map {1: 2, 2: 3}
$mpMap3 = $packer->pack(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]); // MP map {a: 1, b: 2}

However, sometimes you need to pack a sequential array as a MessagePack map. To do this, use the packMap method:

$mpMap = $packer->packMap([1, 2]); // {0: 1, 1: 2}

Here is a list of type-specific packing methods:

$packer->packNil();           // MP nil
$packer->packBool(true);      // MP bool
$packer->packInt(42);         // MP int
$packer->packFloat(M_PI);     // MP float (32 or 64)
$packer->packFloat32(M_PI);   // MP float 32
$packer->packFloat64(M_PI);   // MP float 64
$packer->packStr('foo');      // MP str
$packer->packBin("\x80");     // MP bin
$packer->packArray([1, 2]);   // MP array
$packer->packMap(['a' => 1]); // MP map
$packer->packExt(1, "\xaa");  // MP ext

Check the "Type transformers" section below on how to pack custom types.

Packing options

The Packer object supports a number of bitmask-based options for fine-tuning the packing process (defaults are in bold):

Name Description
FORCE_STR Forces PHP strings to be packed as MessagePack UTF-8 strings
FORCE_BIN Forces PHP strings to be packed as MessagePack binary data
DETECT_STR_BIN Detects MessagePack str/bin type automatically
FORCE_ARR Forces PHP arrays to be packed as MessagePack arrays
FORCE_MAP Forces PHP arrays to be packed as MessagePack maps
DETECT_ARR_MAP Detects MessagePack array/map type automatically
FORCE_FLOAT32 Forces PHP floats to be packed as 32-bits MessagePack floats
FORCE_FLOAT64 Forces PHP floats to be packed as 64-bits MessagePack floats

The type detection mode (DETECT_STR_BIN/DETECT_ARR_MAP) adds some overhead which can be noticed when you pack large (16- and 32-bit) arrays or strings. However, if you know the value type in advance (for example, you only work with UTF-8 strings or/and associative arrays), you can eliminate this overhead by forcing the packer to use the appropriate type, which will save it from running the auto-detection routine. Another option is to explicitly specify the value type. The library provides 2 auxiliary classes for this, Map and Bin. Check the "Type transformers" section below for details.


use MessagePack\Packer;
use MessagePack\PackOptions;

// detect str/bin type and pack PHP 64-bit floats (doubles) to MP 32-bit floats
$packer = new Packer(PackOptions::DETECT_STR_BIN | PackOptions::FORCE_FLOAT32);

// these will throw MessagePack\Exception\InvalidOptionException
$packer = new Packer(PackOptions::FORCE_STR | PackOptions::FORCE_BIN);
$packer = new Packer(PackOptions::FORCE_FLOAT32 | PackOptions::FORCE_FLOAT64);


To unpack data you can either use an instance of a BufferUnpacker:

use MessagePack\BufferUnpacker;

$unpacker = new BufferUnpacker();


$value = $unpacker->unpack();

or call a static method on the MessagePack class:

use MessagePack\MessagePack;


$value = MessagePack::unpack($packed);

If the packed data is received in chunks (e.g. when reading from a stream), use the tryUnpack method, which attempts to unpack data and returns an array of unpacked messages (if any) instead of throwing an InsufficientDataException:

while ($chunk = ...) {
    if ($messages = $unpacker->tryUnpack()) {
        return $messages;

If you want to unpack from a specific position in a buffer, use seek:

$unpacker->seek(42); // set position equal to 42 bytes
$unpacker->seek(-8); // set position to 8 bytes before the end of the buffer

To skip bytes from the current position, use skip:

$unpacker->skip(10); // set position to 10 bytes ahead of the current position

To get the number of remaining (unread) bytes in the buffer:

$unreadBytesCount = $unpacker->getRemainingCount();

To check whether the buffer has unread data:

$hasUnreadBytes = $unpacker->hasRemaining();

If needed, you can remove already read data from the buffer by calling:

$releasedBytesCount = $unpacker->release();

With the read method you can read raw (packed) data:

$packedData = $unpacker->read(2); // read 2 bytes

Besides the above methods BufferUnpacker provides type-specific unpacking methods, namely:

$unpacker->unpackNil();   // PHP null
$unpacker->unpackBool();  // PHP bool
$unpacker->unpackInt();   // PHP int
$unpacker->unpackFloat(); // PHP float
$unpacker->unpackStr();   // PHP UTF-8 string
$unpacker->unpackBin();   // PHP binary string
$unpacker->unpackArray(); // PHP sequential array
$unpacker->unpackMap();   // PHP associative array
$unpacker->unpackExt();   // PHP MessagePack\Ext class

Unpacking options

The BufferUnpacker object supports a number of bitmask-based options for fine-tuning the unpacking process (defaults are in bold):

Name Description
BIGINT_AS_STR Converts overflowed integers to strings [1]
BIGINT_AS_GMP Converts overflowed integers to GMP objects [2]
BIGINT_AS_DEC Converts overflowed integers to Decimal\Decimal objects [3]

1. The binary MessagePack format has unsigned 64-bit as its largest integer data type, but PHP does not support such integers, which means that an overflow can occur during unpacking.

2. Make sure the GMP extension is enabled.

3. Make sure the Decimal extension is enabled.


use MessagePack\BufferUnpacker;
use MessagePack\UnpackOptions;

$packedUint64 = "\xcf"."\xff\xff\xff\xff"."\xff\xff\xff\xff";

$unpacker = new BufferUnpacker($packedUint64);
var_dump($unpacker->unpack()); // string(20) "18446744073709551615"

$unpacker = new BufferUnpacker($packedUint64, UnpackOptions::BIGINT_AS_GMP);
var_dump($unpacker->unpack()); // object(GMP) {...}

$unpacker = new BufferUnpacker($packedUint64, UnpackOptions::BIGINT_AS_DEC);
var_dump($unpacker->unpack()); // object(Decimal\Decimal) {...}


The Ext class is used to represent extension types:

use MessagePack\Ext;
use MessagePack\MessagePack;

$packed = MessagePack::pack(new Ext(42, "\xaa"));
$ext = MessagePack::unpack($packed);

assert($ext->type === 42);
assert($ext->data === "\xaa");

Although it can be useful for dealing with types that are not supported by your setup, in most cases you will not use Ext, but rather type transformers that make extension types first-class citizens in your code.

Type transformers

In addition to the basic types, the library provides functionality to serialize and deserialize arbitrary types. In order to support a custom type you need to create and register a transformer. The transformer should implement either the CanPack interface or the Extension interface.

The purpose of CanPack transformers is to serialize a specific value to one of the basic MessagePack types. A good example of such a transformer is a MapTransformer that comes with the library. It serializes Map objects (which are simple wrappers around PHP arrays) to MessagePack maps. This is useful when you want to explicitly mark that a given PHP array must be packed as a MessagePack map, without triggering the type's auto-detection routine.

More types and type transformers can be found in src/Type and src/TypeTransformer directories.

The implementation is trivial:

namespace MessagePack\TypeTransformer;

use MessagePack\Packer;
use MessagePack\Type\Map;

class MapTransformer implements CanPack
    public function pack(Packer $packer, $value) : ?string
        return $value instanceof Map
            ? $packer->packMap($value->map)
            : null;

Once MapTransformer is registered, you can pack Map objects:

use MessagePack\Packer;
use MessagePack\Type\Map;
use MessagePack\TypeTransformer\MapTransformer;

$packer = new Packer(null, [new MapTransformer()]);

$packed = $packer->pack([
    [1, 2, 3],          // MP array
    new Map([1, 2, 3]), // MP map

Transformers implementing the Extension interface are intended to handle extension types. For example, the code below shows how to create an extension that allows you to work transparently with DateTime objects:

use MessagePack\BufferUnpacker;
use MessagePack\Packer;
use MessagePack\TypeTransformer\Extension;

class DateTimeExtension implements Extension 
    private $type;

    public function __construct(int $type)
        $this->type = $type;

    public function getType() : int
        return $this->type;

    public function pack(Packer $packer, $value) : ?string
        if (!$value instanceof \DateTimeInterface) {
            return null;

        return $packer->packExt($this->type, $value->format('YmdHisue'));

    public function unpackExt(BufferUnpacker $unpacker, int $extLength)
        return \DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat('YmdHisue', $unpacker->read($extLength));

Register DateTimeExtension for both the packer and the unpacker with a unique extension type (an integer from 0 to 127) and you're ready to go:

use App\MessagePack\DateTimeExtension;
use MessagePack\BufferUnpacker;
use MessagePack\Packer;

$dateTimeExtension = new DateTimeExtension(42);

$packer = new Packer();
$packer = $packer->extendWith($dateTimeExtension);

$unpacker = new BufferUnpacker();
$unpacker = $unpacker->extendWith($dateTimeExtension);

$packed = $packer->pack(new DateTimeImmutable());
$date = $unpacker->reset($packed)->unpack();

More type transformer examples can be found in the examples directory.


If an error occurs during packing/unpacking, a PackingFailedException or an UnpackingFailedException will be thrown, respectively. In addition, an InsufficientDataException can be thrown during unpacking.

An InvalidOptionException will be thrown in case an invalid option (or a combination of mutually exclusive options) is used.


Run tests as follows:


Also, if you already have Docker installed, you can run the tests in a docker container. First, create a container:

./ | docker build -t msgpack -

The command above will create a container named msgpack with PHP 8.0 runtime. You may change the default runtime by defining the PHP_IMAGE environment variable:

PHP_IMAGE='php:7.4-cli' ./ | docker build -t msgpack -

See a list of various images here.

Then run the unit tests:

docker run --rm -v $PWD:/msgpack -w /msgpack msgpack


To ensure that the unpacking works correctly with malformed/semi-malformed data, you can use a testing technique called Fuzzing. The library ships with a help file (target) for PHP-Fuzzer and can be used as follows:

php-fuzzer fuzz tests/fuzz_buffer_unpacker.php


To check performance, run:

php -n \
-dpcre.jit=1 -dopcache.enable=1 -dopcache.enable_cli=1 \
Example output
Filter: MessagePack\Tests\Perf\Filter\ListFilter
Rounds: 3
Iterations: 100000

Test/Target            Packer  BufferUnpacker
nil .................. 0.0017 ........ 0.0138
false ................ 0.0033 ........ 0.0131
true ................. 0.0026 ........ 0.0136
7-bit uint #1 ........ 0.0079 ........ 0.0125
7-bit uint #2 ........ 0.0077 ........ 0.0126
7-bit uint #3 ........ 0.0066 ........ 0.0128
5-bit sint #1 ........ 0.0080 ........ 0.0140
5-bit sint #2 ........ 0.0074 ........ 0.0134
5-bit sint #3 ........ 0.0074 ........ 0.0183
8-bit uint #1 ........ 0.0085 ........ 0.0211
8-bit uint #2 ........ 0.0092 ........ 0.0226
8-bit uint #3 ........ 0.0085 ........ 0.0208
16-bit uint #1 ....... 0.0170 ........ 0.0245
16-bit uint #2 ....... 0.0130 ........ 0.0250
16-bit uint #3 ....... 0.0130 ........ 0.0249
32-bit uint #1 ....... 0.0132 ........ 0.0341
32-bit uint #2 ....... 0.0124 ........ 0.0343
32-bit uint #3 ....... 0.0142 ........ 0.0323
64-bit uint #1 ....... 0.0137 ........ 0.0314
64-bit uint #2 ....... 0.0129 ........ 0.0309
64-bit uint #3 ....... 0.0153 ........ 0.0320
8-bit int #1 ......... 0.0104 ........ 0.0217
8-bit int #2 ......... 0.0108 ........ 0.0236
8-bit int #3 ......... 0.0088 ........ 0.0244
16-bit int #1 ........ 0.0135 ........ 0.0245
16-bit int #2 ........ 0.0134 ........ 0.0254
16-bit int #3 ........ 0.0139 ........ 0.0252
32-bit int #1 ........ 0.0133 ........ 0.0329
32-bit int #2 ........ 0.0154 ........ 0.0364
32-bit int #3 ........ 0.0131 ........ 0.0330
64-bit int #1 ........ 0.0141 ........ 0.0312
64-bit int #2 ........ 0.0137 ........ 0.0345
64-bit int #3 ........ 0.0128 ........ 0.0335
64-bit int #4 ........ 0.0141 ........ 0.0313
64-bit float #1 ...... 0.0148 ........ 0.0300
64-bit float #2 ...... 0.0147 ........ 0.0308
64-bit float #3 ...... 0.0145 ........ 0.0302
fix string #1 ....... -0.0032 ........ 0.0127
fix string #2 ........ 0.0102 ........ 0.0250
fix string #3 ........ 0.0132 ........ 0.0240
fix string #4 ........ 0.0122 ........ 0.0243
8-bit string #1 ...... 0.0121 ........ 0.0316
8-bit string #2 ...... 0.0128 ........ 0.0325
8-bit string #3 ...... 0.0146 ........ 0.0312
16-bit string #1 ..... 0.0185 ........ 0.0353
16-bit string #2 ..... 0.1541 ........ 0.1720
32-bit string ........ 0.1541 ........ 0.1801
wide char string #1 .. 0.0110 ........ 0.0260
wide char string #2 .. 0.0127 ........ 0.0334
8-bit binary #1 ...... 0.0107 ........ 0.0293
8-bit binary #2 ...... 0.0121 ........ 0.0304
8-bit binary #3 ...... 0.0131 ........ 0.0305
16-bit binary ........ 0.0159 ........ 0.0355
32-bit binary ........ 0.1564 ........ 0.1825
fix array #1 ......... 0.0025 ........ 0.0128
fix array #2 ......... 0.0296 ........ 0.0354
fix array #3 ......... 0.0436 ........ 0.0505
16-bit array #1 ...... 0.1416 ........ 0.1621
16-bit array #2 ........... S ............. S
32-bit array .............. S ............. S
complex array ........ 0.1695 ........ 0.2323
fix map #1 ........... 0.0776 ........ 0.1083
fix map #2 ........... 0.0368 ........ 0.0419
fix map #3 ........... 0.0407 ........ 0.0603
fix map #4 ........... 0.0454 ........ 0.0527
16-bit map #1 ........ 0.2320 ........ 0.3022
16-bit map #2 ............. S ............. S
32-bit map ................ S ............. S
complex map .......... 0.2327 ........ 0.2729
fixext 1 ............. 0.0156 ........ 0.0371
fixext 2 ............. 0.0154 ........ 0.0360
fixext 4 ............. 0.0185 ........ 0.0358
fixext 8 ............. 0.0150 ........ 0.0361
fixext 16 ............ 0.0183 ........ 0.0361
8-bit ext ............ 0.0189 ........ 0.0433
16-bit ext ........... 0.0208 ........ 0.0467
32-bit ext ........... 0.1595 ........ 0.1927
Total                  2.3793          3.6580
Skipped                     4               4
Failed                      0               0
Ignored                     0               0

With JIT:

php -n \
-dpcre.jit=1 -dopcache.jit_buffer_size=64M -dopcache.jit=tracing -dopcache.enable=1 -dopcache.enable_cli=1 \
Example output
Filter: MessagePack\Tests\Perf\Filter\ListFilter
Rounds: 3
Iterations: 100000

Test/Target            Packer  BufferUnpacker
nil .................. 0.0002 ........ 0.0058
false ................ 0.0012 ........ 0.0072
true ................. 0.0013 ........ 0.0075
7-bit uint #1 ........ 0.0027 ........ 0.0067
7-bit uint #2 ........ 0.0028 ........ 0.0066
7-bit uint #3 ........ 0.0029 ........ 0.0068
5-bit sint #1 ........ 0.0039 ........ 0.0098
5-bit sint #2 ........ 0.0036 ........ 0.0067
5-bit sint #3 ........ 0.0065 ........ 0.0071
8-bit uint #1 ........ 0.0068 ........ 0.0100
8-bit uint #2 ........ 0.0066 ........ 0.0100
8-bit uint #3 ........ 0.0062 ........ 0.0099
16-bit uint #1 ....... 0.0096 ........ 0.0119
16-bit uint #2 ....... 0.0097 ........ 0.0117
16-bit uint #3 ....... 0.0096 ........ 0.0116
32-bit uint #1 ....... 0.0105 ........ 0.0155
32-bit uint #2 ....... 0.0136 ........ 0.0148
32-bit uint #3 ....... 0.0106 ........ 0.0148
64-bit uint #1 ....... 0.0111 ........ 0.0232
64-bit uint #2 ....... 0.0111 ........ 0.0231
64-bit uint #3 ....... 0.0109 ........ 0.0231
8-bit int #1 ......... 0.0103 ........ 0.0108
8-bit int #2 ......... 0.0067 ........ 0.0106
8-bit int #3 ......... 0.0067 ........ 0.0106
16-bit int #1 ........ 0.0095 ........ 0.0118
16-bit int #2 ........ 0.0136 ........ 0.0116
16-bit int #3 ........ 0.0097 ........ 0.0159
32-bit int #1 ........ 0.0107 ........ 0.0153
32-bit int #2 ........ 0.0105 ........ 0.0152
32-bit int #3 ........ 0.0106 ........ 0.0151
64-bit int #1 ........ 0.0111 ........ 0.0236
64-bit int #2 ........ 0.0154 ........ 0.0235
64-bit int #3 ........ 0.0153 ........ 0.0236
64-bit int #4 ........ 0.0111 ........ 0.0292
64-bit float #1 ...... 0.0146 ........ 0.0230
64-bit float #2 ...... 0.0104 ........ 0.0228
64-bit float #3 ...... 0.0104 ........ 0.0228
fix string #1 ........ 0.0016 ........ 0.0066
fix string #2 ........ 0.0066 ........ 0.0147
fix string #3 ........ 0.0066 ........ 0.0167
fix string #4 ........ 0.0063 ........ 0.0119
8-bit string #1 ...... 0.0143 ........ 0.0163
8-bit string #2 ...... 0.0103 ........ 0.0212
8-bit string #3 ...... 0.0106 ........ 0.0161
16-bit string #1 ..... 0.0138 ........ 0.0237
16-bit string #2 ..... 0.1612 ........ 0.1572
32-bit string ........ 0.1549 ........ 0.1693
wide char string #1 .. 0.0064 ........ 0.0164
wide char string #2 .. 0.0098 ........ 0.0162
8-bit binary #1 ...... 0.0097 ........ 0.0143
8-bit binary #2 ...... 0.0101 ........ 0.0161
8-bit binary #3 ...... 0.0104 ........ 0.0212
16-bit binary ........ 0.0137 ........ 0.0184
32-bit binary ........ 0.1549 ........ 0.1589
fix array #1 ......... 0.0014 ........ 0.0072
fix array #2 ......... 0.0173 ........ 0.0205
fix array #3 ......... 0.0257 ........ 0.0288
16-bit array #1 ...... 0.0713 ........ 0.0561
16-bit array #2 ........... S ............. S
32-bit array .............. S ............. S
complex array ........ 0.0831 ........ 0.0896
fix map #1 ........... 0.0385 ........ 0.0490
fix map #2 ........... 0.0204 ........ 0.0254
fix map #3 ........... 0.0255 ........ 0.0313
fix map #4 ........... 0.0294 ........ 0.0300
16-bit map #1 ........ 0.0956 ........ 0.1025
16-bit map #2 ............. S ............. S
32-bit map ................ S ............. S
complex map .......... 0.1161 ........ 0.1267
fixext 1 ............. 0.0157 ........ 0.0304
fixext 2 ............. 0.0121 ........ 0.0232
fixext 4 ............. 0.0117 ........ 0.0229
fixext 8 ............. 0.0118 ........ 0.0233
fixext 16 ............ 0.0114 ........ 0.0245
8-bit ext ............ 0.0130 ........ 0.0266
16-bit ext ........... 0.0162 ........ 0.0275
32-bit ext ........... 0.1561 ........ 0.1665
Total                  1.6916          2.1562
Skipped                     4               4
Failed                      0               0
Ignored                     0               0

You may change default benchmark settings by defining the following environment variables:

Name Default
MP_BENCH_TARGETS pure_p,pure_u, see a list of available targets
MP_BENCH_TESTS -@slow, see a list of available tests

For example:

export MP_BENCH_TARGETS=pure_p
export MP_BENCH_ITERATIONS=1000000
# a comma separated list of test names
export MP_BENCH_TESTS='complex array, complex map'
# or a group name
# export MP_BENCH_TESTS='-@slow' // @pecl_comp
# or a regexp
# export MP_BENCH_TESTS='/complex (array|map)/'

Another example, benchmarking both the library and the PECL extension:

MP_BENCH_TARGETS=pure_p,pure_u,pecl_p,pecl_u \
php -n \
-dpcre.jit=1 -dopcache.enable=1 -dopcache.enable_cli=1 \
Example output
Filter: MessagePack\Tests\Perf\Filter\ListFilter
Rounds: 3
Iterations: 100000

Test/Target            Packer  BufferUnpacker  msgpack_pack  msgpack_unpack
nil .................. 0.0025 ........ 0.0129 ...... 0.0037 ........ 0.0015
false ................ 0.0028 ........ 0.0132 ...... 0.0037 ........ 0.0024
true ................. 0.0030 ........ 0.0133 ...... 0.0044 ........ 0.0042
7-bit uint #1 ........ 0.0066 ........ 0.0127 ...... 0.0042 ........ 0.0024
7-bit uint #2 ........ 0.0062 ........ 0.0120 ...... 0.0045 ........ 0.0020
7-bit uint #3 ........ 0.0066 ........ 0.0125 ...... 0.0040 ........ 0.0022
5-bit sint #1 ........ 0.0067 ........ 0.0135 ...... 0.0050 ........ 0.0025
5-bit sint #2 ........ 0.0062 ........ 0.0133 ...... 0.0040 ........ 0.0016
5-bit sint #3 ........ 0.0067 ........ 0.0128 ...... 0.0044 ........ 0.0027
8-bit uint #1 ........ 0.0088 ........ 0.0229 ...... 0.0068 ........ 0.0027
8-bit uint #2 ........ 0.0093 ........ 0.0207 ...... 0.0062 ........ 0.0033
8-bit uint #3 ........ 0.0093 ........ 0.0204 ...... 0.0043 ........ 0.0028
16-bit uint #1 ....... 0.0120 ........ 0.0253 ...... 0.0050 ........ 0.0030
16-bit uint #2 ....... 0.0131 ........ 0.0242 ...... 0.0053 ........ 0.0034
16-bit uint #3 ....... 0.0131 ........ 0.0243 ...... 0.0053 ........ 0.0033
32-bit uint #1 ....... 0.0126 ........ 0.0332 ...... 0.0043 ........ 0.0024
32-bit uint #2 ....... 0.0121 ........ 0.0333 ...... 0.0041 ........ 0.0030
32-bit uint #3 ....... 0.0130 ........ 0.0327 ...... 0.0040 ........ 0.0029
64-bit uint #1 ....... 0.0138 ........ 0.0314 ...... 0.0040 ........ 0.0033
64-bit uint #2 ....... 0.0153 ........ 0.0303 ...... 0.0042 ........ 0.0047
64-bit uint #3 ....... 0.0132 ........ 0.0326 ...... 0.0054 ........ 0.0039
8-bit int #1 ......... 0.0118 ........ 0.0216 ...... 0.0036 ........ 0.0024
8-bit int #2 ......... 0.0093 ........ 0.0214 ...... 0.0037 ........ 0.0036
8-bit int #3 ......... 0.0084 ........ 0.0201 ...... 0.0062 ........ 0.0025
16-bit int #1 ........ 0.0137 ........ 0.0262 ...... 0.0036 ........ 0.0040
16-bit int #2 ........ 0.0151 ........ 0.0246 ...... 0.0059 ........ 0.0031
16-bit int #3 ........ 0.0132 ........ 0.0281 ...... 0.0045 ........ 0.0028
32-bit int #1 ........ 0.0151 ........ 0.0378 ...... 0.0050 ........ 0.0039
32-bit int #2 ........ 0.0137 ........ 0.0356 ...... 0.0040 ........ 0.0031
32-bit int #3 ........ 0.0134 ........ 0.0335 ...... 0.0048 ........ 0.0020
64-bit int #1 ........ 0.0135 ........ 0.0313 ...... 0.0043 ........ 0.0026
64-bit int #2 ........ 0.0135 ........ 0.0301 ...... 0.0043 ........ 0.0029
64-bit int #3 ........ 0.0131 ........ 0.0312 ...... 0.0046 ........ 0.0030
64-bit int #4 ........ 0.0160 ........ 0.0330 ...... 0.0044 ........ 0.0028
64-bit float #1 ...... 0.0147 ........ 0.0295 ...... 0.0051 ........ 0.0047
64-bit float #2 ...... 0.0145 ........ 0.0313 ...... 0.0040 ........ 0.0025
64-bit float #3 ...... 0.0142 ........ 0.0301 ...... 0.0042 ........ 0.0026
fix string #1 ........ 0.0027 ........ 0.0134 ...... 0.0052 ........ 0.0025
fix string #2 ........ 0.0108 ........ 0.0251 ...... 0.0054 ........ 0.0049
fix string #3 ........ 0.0106 ........ 0.0232 ...... 0.0053 ........ 0.0044
fix string #4 ........ 0.0108 ........ 0.0232 ...... 0.0066 ........ 0.0051
8-bit string #1 ...... 0.0125 ........ 0.0330 ...... 0.0055 ........ 0.0046
8-bit string #2 ...... 0.0124 ........ 0.0304 ...... 0.0047 ........ 0.0051
8-bit string #3 ...... 0.0106 ........ 0.0314 ...... 0.0097 ........ 0.0045
16-bit string #1 ..... 0.0162 ........ 0.0356 ...... 0.0103 ........ 0.0041
16-bit string #2 ..... 0.1552 ........ 0.1797 ...... 0.1457 ........ 0.1418
32-bit string ........ 0.1559 ........ 0.1813 ...... 0.1467 ........ 0.1425
wide char string #1 .. 0.0100 ........ 0.0236 ...... 0.0053 ........ 0.0041
wide char string #2 .. 0.0124 ........ 0.0303 ...... 0.0053 ........ 0.0061
8-bit binary #1 ........... I ............. I ........... F ............. I
8-bit binary #2 ........... I ............. I ........... F ............. I
8-bit binary #3 ........... I ............. I ........... F ............. I
16-bit binary ............. I ............. I ........... F ............. I
32-bit binary ............. I ............. I ........... F ............. I
fix array #1 ......... 0.0040 ........ 0.0134 ...... 0.0141 ........ 0.0034
fix array #2 ......... 0.0292 ........ 0.0347 ...... 0.0149 ........ 0.0133
fix array #3 ......... 0.0443 ........ 0.0494 ...... 0.0169 ........ 0.0164
16-bit array #1 ...... 0.1390 ........ 0.1634 ...... 0.0290 ........ 0.0325
16-bit array #2 ........... S ............. S ........... S ............. S
32-bit array .............. S ............. S ........... S ............. S
complex array ............. I ............. I ........... F ............. F
fix map #1 ................ I ............. I ........... F ............. I
fix map #2 ........... 0.0336 ........ 0.0407 ...... 0.0180 ........ 0.0159
fix map #3 ................ I ............. I ........... F ............. I
fix map #4 ........... 0.0455 ........ 0.0489 ...... 0.0163 ........ 0.0165
16-bit map #1 ........ 0.2265 ........ 0.3023 ...... 0.0320 ........ 0.0439
16-bit map #2 ............. S ............. S ........... S ............. S
32-bit map ................ S ............. S ........... S ............. S
complex map .......... 0.2354 ........ 0.2730 ...... 0.0532 ........ 0.0520
fixext 1 .................. I ............. I ........... F ............. F
fixext 2 .................. I ............. I ........... F ............. F
fixext 4 .................. I ............. I ........... F ............. F
fixext 8 .................. I ............. I ........... F ............. F
fixext 16 ................. I ............. I ........... F ............. F
8-bit ext ................. I ............. I ........... F ............. F
16-bit ext ................ I ............. I ........... F ............. F
32-bit ext ................ I ............. I ........... F ............. F
Total                  1.5836          2.4687        0.7192          0.6321
Skipped                     4               4             4               4
Failed                      0               0            16               9
Ignored                    16              16             0               7

With JIT:

MP_BENCH_TARGETS=pure_p,pure_u,pecl_p,pecl_u \
php -n \
-dpcre.jit=1 -dopcache.jit_buffer_size=64M -dopcache.jit=tracing -dopcache.enable=1 -dopcache.enable_cli=1 \
Example output
Filter: MessagePack\Tests\Perf\Filter\ListFilter
Rounds: 3
Iterations: 100000

Test/Target            Packer  BufferUnpacker  msgpack_pack  msgpack_unpack
nil .................. 0.0003 ........ 0.0061 ...... 0.0064 ........ 0.0047
false ................ 0.0015 ........ 0.0070 ...... 0.0065 ........ 0.0047
true ................. 0.0017 ........ 0.0072 ...... 0.0107 ........ 0.0050
7-bit uint #1 ........ 0.0032 ........ 0.0065 ...... 0.0080 ........ 0.0044
7-bit uint #2 ........ 0.0033 ........ 0.0064 ...... 0.0082 ........ 0.0044
7-bit uint #3 ........ 0.0034 ........ 0.0063 ...... 0.0079 ........ 0.0045
5-bit sint #1 ........ 0.0047 ........ 0.0067 ...... 0.0081 ........ 0.0076
5-bit sint #2 ........ 0.0045 ........ 0.0068 ...... 0.0152 ........ 0.0047
5-bit sint #3 ........ 0.0044 ........ 0.0068 ...... 0.0080 ........ 0.0046
8-bit uint #1 ........ 0.0075 ........ 0.0096 ...... 0.0082 ........ 0.0051
8-bit uint #2 ........ 0.0078 ........ 0.0098 ...... 0.0080 ........ 0.0082
8-bit uint #3 ........ 0.0076 ........ 0.0096 ...... 0.0108 ........ 0.0051
16-bit uint #1 ....... 0.0109 ........ 0.0121 ...... 0.0081 ........ 0.0053
16-bit uint #2 ....... 0.0106 ........ 0.0160 ...... 0.0101 ........ 0.0050
16-bit uint #3 ....... 0.0109 ........ 0.0118 ...... 0.0081 ........ 0.0050
32-bit uint #1 ....... 0.0112 ........ 0.0153 ...... 0.0081 ........ 0.0050
32-bit uint #2 ....... 0.0111 ........ 0.0150 ...... 0.0081 ........ 0.0049
32-bit uint #3 ....... 0.0113 ........ 0.0151 ...... 0.0080 ........ 0.0049
64-bit uint #1 ....... 0.0116 ........ 0.0233 ...... 0.0082 ........ 0.0051
64-bit uint #2 ....... 0.0160 ........ 0.0234 ...... 0.0079 ........ 0.0054
64-bit uint #3 ....... 0.0116 ........ 0.0234 ...... 0.0080 ........ 0.0052
8-bit int #1 ......... 0.0076 ........ 0.0107 ...... 0.0081 ........ 0.0085
8-bit int #2 ......... 0.0077 ........ 0.0100 ...... 0.0155 ........ 0.0054
8-bit int #3 ......... 0.0077 ........ 0.0107 ...... 0.0079 ........ 0.0081
16-bit int #1 ........ 0.0105 ........ 0.0119 ...... 0.0082 ........ 0.0050
16-bit int #2 ........ 0.0103 ........ 0.0118 ...... 0.0081 ........ 0.0080
16-bit int #3 ........ 0.0108 ........ 0.0118 ...... 0.0108 ........ 0.0050
32-bit int #1 ........ 0.0112 ........ 0.0205 ...... 0.0116 ........ 0.0052
32-bit int #2 ........ 0.0109 ........ 0.0153 ...... 0.0078 ........ 0.0050
32-bit int #3 ........ 0.0112 ........ 0.0154 ...... 0.0082 ........ 0.0078
64-bit int #1 ........ 0.0118 ........ 0.0235 ...... 0.0153 ........ 0.0052
64-bit int #2 ........ 0.0117 ........ 0.0237 ...... 0.0080 ........ 0.0048
64-bit int #3 ........ 0.0117 ........ 0.0238 ...... 0.0080 ........ 0.0050
64-bit int #4 ........ 0.0119 ........ 0.0235 ...... 0.0082 ........ 0.0046
64-bit float #1 ...... 0.0108 ........ 0.0286 ...... 0.0145 ........ 0.0052
64-bit float #2 ...... 0.0107 ........ 0.0230 ...... 0.0076 ........ 0.0051
64-bit float #3 ...... 0.0108 ........ 0.0218 ...... 0.0076 ........ 0.0051
fix string #1 ........ 0.0019 ........ 0.0068 ...... 0.0084 ........ 0.0051
fix string #2 ........ 0.0070 ........ 0.0108 ...... 0.0085 ........ 0.0069
fix string #3 ........ 0.0071 ........ 0.0122 ...... 0.0088 ........ 0.0069
fix string #4 ........ 0.0106 ........ 0.0120 ...... 0.0084 ........ 0.0066
8-bit string #1 ...... 0.0104 ........ 0.0208 ...... 0.0122 ........ 0.0074
8-bit string #2 ...... 0.0108 ........ 0.0159 ...... 0.0086 ........ 0.0070
8-bit string #3 ...... 0.0111 ........ 0.0162 ...... 0.0165 ........ 0.0073
16-bit string #1 ..... 0.0141 ........ 0.0181 ...... 0.0144 ........ 0.0090
16-bit string #2 ..... 0.1550 ........ 0.1644 ...... 0.1534 ........ 0.1488
32-bit string ........ 0.1547 ........ 0.1591 ...... 0.1572 ........ 0.1561
wide char string #1 .. 0.0070 ........ 0.0118 ...... 0.0084 ........ 0.0070
wide char string #2 .. 0.0106 ........ 0.0161 ...... 0.0089 ........ 0.0112
8-bit binary #1 ........... I ............. I ........... F ............. I
8-bit binary #2 ........... I ............. I ........... F ............. I
8-bit binary #3 ........... I ............. I ........... F ............. I
16-bit binary ............. I ............. I ........... F ............. I
32-bit binary ............. I ............. I ........... F ............. I
fix array #1 ......... 0.0024 ........ 0.0075 ...... 0.0163 ........ 0.0063
fix array #2 ......... 0.0179 ........ 0.0198 ...... 0.0192 ........ 0.0176
fix array #3 ......... 0.0261 ........ 0.0340 ...... 0.0231 ........ 0.0269
16-bit array #1 ...... 0.0662 ........ 0.0546 ...... 0.0345 ........ 0.0391
16-bit array #2 ........... S ............. S ........... S ............. S
32-bit array .............. S ............. S ........... S ............. S
complex array ............. I ............. I ........... F ............. F
fix map #1 ................ I ............. I ........... F ............. I
fix map #2 ........... 0.0214 ........ 0.0306 ...... 0.0197 ........ 0.0207
fix map #3 ................ I ............. I ........... F ............. I
fix map #4 ........... 0.0292 ........ 0.0270 ...... 0.0306 ........ 0.0209
16-bit map #1 ........ 0.1031 ........ 0.0896 ...... 0.0378 ........ 0.0506
16-bit map #2 ............. S ............. S ........... S ............. S
32-bit map ................ S ............. S ........... S ............. S
complex map .......... 0.1164 ........ 0.1131 ...... 0.0591 ........ 0.0583
fixext 1 .................. I ............. I ........... F ............. F
fixext 2 .................. I ............. I ........... F ............. F
fixext 4 .................. I ............. I ........... F ............. F
fixext 8 .................. I ............. I ........... F ............. F
fixext 16 ................. I ............. I ........... F ............. F
8-bit ext ................. I ............. I ........... F ............. F
16-bit ext ................ I ............. I ........... F ............. F
32-bit ext ................ I ............. I ........... F ............. F
Total                  1.1056          1.3705        0.9900          0.8214
Skipped                     4               4             4               4
Failed                      0               0            16               9
Ignored                    16              16             0               7

Note that the msgpack extension (v2.1.2) doesn't support ext, bin and UTF-8 str types.


The library is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.


A pure PHP implementation of the MessagePack serialization format /[PHP]







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