Follow these instructions to setup the project
- Install Docker and Docker-Compose
- Open the terminal and navigate to the project's root directory.
- Use your API keys. For details see the next section on API keys.
- Execute the following command :
docker-compose build
- The previous command builds the project on the system.
- To run the project execute the following command :
docker-compose up
- Now go to your browser and open localhost:3000
- Now the system is ready. The user can use the web app.
- If you want to shutdown the server press CTRL+C .
- If you want to clean the build execute the following command :
docker-compose down
- To prevent the misuse of API keys we generated, we have removed them.
- So, to use the project please use your API keys.
- You will have to generate API keys for Twitter, Reddit, StackExchange, Youtube.
- API keys for IBM Cloud should also be generated. You will have to generate API keys for the following services :
- Personality Insights
- Natural Language Understanding
- Tone Analyzer
- The generated API keys will have to be put in the following files :
- data_collector/
- data_collector/
- data_collector/
- data_collector/
- display/credentials.js