This is a reimplementation of a subset of functionality in scm_breeze
The simple answer is security. scm_breeze
has so much functionality that I could not possibly personally
audit every line, and every update, to see what it's doing. For that reason, I've resisted using it at work,
Of course I have no reason to be suspicious of scm_breeze
repo owners specifically, it's just general paranoia.
Stuff like this is not unheard of.
Just as I'm uneasy about scm_breeze
, unless you know me personally, I'd expect you to be uneasy about using
this utility also. On the flip side, this implementation is much shorter than scm_breeze
because it only has a
subset of its functionality. There is also very limited bash, which is a language that breaks my brain. So you could
read the ~250 of Python and >50 lines of bash and see what it's doing, if you were so inclined.
If you want, feel free to use it. I wrote this over a Saturday. There are no tests, only me trying it at my terminal. I expect it to have bugs. If it breaks your git repo, I take no responsibility.
git clone ~/.git-utils
echo 'export GIT_UTILS_ROOT="${HOME}/.git-utils"' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'export GIT_UTILS_CACHE="${HOME}/.git_utils_cache"' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'export GIT_UTILS_PYTHON=python' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:${GIT_UTILS_ROOT}/bin' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'source ${GIT_UTILS_ROOT}/' >> ~/.zshrc