- From any page, the user can connect her wallet using the connect component in the page header.
- Using Rainbowkit UI, the user can select which wallet to connect (Metamask, coinbase, etc.)
- After the wallet is selected, the corresponding wallet address is obtained.
- For authenticating with Lens, a challenge text is signed and sent to Lens using the selected wallet. Lens provides an access token, which helps in further API calls.
- Using the access token, we fetch the Lens profile, if exists, OR take the user to the Lens profile creation flow.
- Optionally, if time permits for the hackathon, the user will be able to set a dispatcher for help in not requiring the signing of all interactions.
- The frontend browser fetches a list of publications using Lens GraphQL APIs.
- The last 3 comments for each publication are also fetched using GraphQL APIs.
- To describe the last image of the chain to the best of her ability, the user fills in the prompt and selects the art type.
- On clicking generate, an API call is made to the Whisper Chain backend for fetching 2 image suggestions. In the backend, an API call to fetch 2 image suggestions for the prompt is made to stability AI. The image content is uploaded in AWS S3. The S3 URLs are returned back to the frontend.
- The generated image suggestions are displayed in the frontend.
- The user either selects one of the generated suggestions or changes the prompt & art type and clicks to generate more suggestions.
- On selecting one of the suggestions and clicking on add to the chain, another API call is made to the backend. In the backend, the selected image is downloaded from AWS S3 and uploaded to IPFS using web3.storage. Image metadata is uploaded to IPFS using Infura storage. The CIDs of both image and metadata are returned to the frontend in response to the API call.
- Upload of metadata to IPFS is implemented using NFTPort.
- The lens API call to comment via dispatcher is made from the frontend. If the comment is being made within 24 hours of the initial post generation, then a time fee collect module is attached at the time of comment generation. If this collect module is attached, other users will have the opportunity to collect the comment by paying WMATIC. The collected WMATIC amount comes to the Whisper Chain’s wallet.
- This flow is executed in a background cron on the backend server.
- Lens graphql APIs are used to get posts in the last some hours and also their comments data is fetched. The number of users who have collected publications is computed for the whole thread. Also, wallet addresses of the number of unique users who commented are fetched.
- Total WMATIC proceeds from all publication collects are then distributed to all the commenters equally using a smart contract deployed on the Mumbai Polygon chain. Link to the smart contract.
- A notification is sent to these users using Push Protocol, after sending them WMATIC.
- Lens protocol is being used in all the 4 flows described under "Flow-wise Implementation Details" section.
- We have fetched post and comment data using Lens GraphQL APIs from both web frontend and backend.
- Wallet connect flow
- For authenticating with Lens, a challenge text is signed and sent to Lens using the selected wallet. Lens provides an access token, which helps in further API calls.
- Using the access token, we fetch the Lens profile, if exists, OR take the user to the Lens profile creation flow.
- Generate whisper flow
- Comment via dispatcher is implemented from the frontend using Lens GraphQL API.
- We have attached a time fee (WMATIC) collect module at the time of comment generation.
- Whisper image selected by user is uploaded to IPFS using web3.storage.
- Image metadata is uploaded to IPFS using Infura storage.
- Upload of metadata to IPFS is implemented using NFTPort.
- Total WMATIC proceeds from all publication collects are distributed to all the commenters equally using a smart contract deployed on the Mumbai Polygon chain. Link to the smart contract.
- A notification is sent to these users using Push Protocol, after sending them WMATIC.
- Upload of metadata to IPFS is implemented using NFTPort.
- Looking to build further on the hackathon and moulding it to a usable product.
S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID: S3 access key ID
S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: S3 secret access key
S3_BUCKET: S3 bucket
S3_REGION: S3 region
TX_SIGNER: Transaction signer