THE AAA top tier game for Bubba and Leah
Setup Steps:
install npm: (NodeJS)
install meteor:
$ npm install -g meteor
- Note: Users have reported issues with installing meteor through npm. If this occurs, please use the legacy installation instructions.
clone repository
Connect to development database. Please contact devs for mongo uri
- MacOS/Linux, run the following command and skip step 5.
$ MONGO_URL=<mongourl> meteor
- Windows. run the following command and continue to step 5.
$ set MONGO_URL=<mongourl>
- MacOS/Linux, run the following command and skip step 5.
Within repository directory, run initial meteor app setup:
$ meteor
The final message should be:
$ meteor [[[[[ <Path to Repository>\alieyen-blaster ]]]]] .... => Started proxy. => Started HMR server. => Started MongoDB. => Started your app. => App running at: http://localhost:3000/ Type Control-C twice to stop.
You can access the website at
to play the game!
The above setup details how to install all required components and connect the MongoDB for a first time run. It's important to note that the MongoDB URL should be connected before each subsequent run of the server in a new terminal. As such, your command for running the server in the dev environment would be:
$ MONGO_URL=<mongourl> meteor
$ set MONGO_URL=<mongourl>
Optional Run
scripts are provided per OS which you can use at your disgretion.
Note: You must also update the scripts with the provided MongoURL for them to work.
Filenames: run.bat
Due to new browser security measures, the user is required to interact with a page before any audio can be played. As such, TTS in the starting screen (past the loading page) will not play until after you register a mousedown
event on the page.
Because of this, we request that you please click somewhere on the screen during the loading page so that TTS fires at the appropriate time :)
- when running
$ meteor
you may get notified for any extra packages you need to update. Please prependmeteor
to all of these commands. - Ex:
npm install @babel/runtime
becomesmeteor npm install @babel/runtime
- If you get the following error or similar when running
$ meteor
$ 'meteor' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
- On Mac: please make sure that the path your nodejs libraries are installed at (
npm root -g
) is added to the paths file/etc/paths
- On Windows: please reinstall nodejs and assert that it adds the correct paths when you install meteor. If this doesn't work, please try cloning the repo on a CAEN computer.