This is a game full of rooms that can be played from the web browser. It is inspired in the old MUD games that we used to play. For us it is an excuse to learn Erlang so don't take it too seriously, we are in the early stages of Erlang.
This game is developed by:
- Daniel Codina @dcodix
- Jordi Llonch @jordillonch
- Joan Valduvieco @jvalduvieco
git clone
cd catacomb/apps/catacomb_core
./rebar get-deps
./rebar compile
Now you need to create MySQL tables and load some fixtures.
cat priv/catacomb.sql |mysql
If all goes without error just type:
erl -pa ebin deps/*/ebin -boot catacomb_core
Now you should be able to point your browser to:
And login as: jordi // pass (You can add users directly to MySQL)
Load a character, and play!!!