IbimbiDiGiuseppeConte is a virtual Tablut player implemented by Alessandro Bovicelli, Federico Chieregato and Mattia Spazzoli. It has been realized for the artificial intelligence challenge proposed by Professor Paola Mello during the course of artificial intelligence in the accademic year 2019/2020. To run this project you need the server implemeted by Andrea Galassi in his GitHub repository: https://github.com/AGalassi/TablutCompetition.git
gcc ./code/*.c -o IbimbidiGiuseppeConte -mcmodel=medium -pthread -w
./IbimbidiGiuseppeConte [colorplayer]
./IbimbidiGiuseppeConte [colorplayer] [timeout]
./IbimbidiGiuseppeConte [colorplayer] [timeout] [server-ip]
Official release: ./code
Past releases: ./prototypes/code
Past executable: ./prototypes
Past executable features: ./prototypes/prototypes.ods