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This QShell on IBM i library contains useful CL wrapper commands to allow QShell and PASE apps to be called and consumed from regular IBM i jobs via CL, RPG or COBOL programs.

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This IBM i library contains useful CL wrapper commands to allow Qshell and Pase apps to be called and consumed from regular IBM i jobs via CL, RPG or COBOL programs. It also has a CL command to scan stdout for a specific value if you need to do something simple to check for a successful command run.

The main benefit of this wrapper is to be able to integrate Qshell/Pase applications on-the-fly with standard IBM i job streams.

There are several ways to build the library. Pick your favorite.

Installing and Building QSHONI via script

Use this install script if you want to run a single shell script to clone the repo and build the library.

# Download the script or create it manually in your IFS. 
# Then run the script to automatically clone the repo 
# and auto-run the to create the QSHONI library and associated 
# objects.


Installing and Building QSHONI via Git clone and

# Use this install method if you want to manually run each command from a QSH/PASE/SSH shell.
mkdir /qshoni
cd /qshoni 
git -c http.sslVerify=false clone --recurse-submodules
cd qshoni  

After building the QSHONI library the commands should be ready to use.

Installing QSHONI library via save file and creating QSHEXEC command objects

Use this install method if you want to install from a save file object.

Download the qshoni.savf save file from the selected releases page. (Latest version - V1.0.5)

Upload the qshoni.savf to the IFS and place it in /tmp/qshoni.savf

Run the following commands to copy the save file from the IFS into a SAVF object


CPYFRMSTMF FROMSTMF('/tmp/qshoni.savf') TOMBR('/qsys.lib/qgpl.lib/qshoni.file') MBROPT(*REPLACE) CVTDTA(*NONE)

Restore the QSHONI library


Build the QSHONI commands




Installing QSHONI library via wget and creating command objects

Use this install method if you want to install from a save file object via wget

Run the following commands to copy the save file from github into a SAVF object



--no-check-certificate -O  /qsys.lib/qgpl.lib/qshoni.file

Restore the QSHONI library


Build the QSHONI commands




Using the QSHEXEC CL command to call a Qsh/Pase command sequence

The following example calls the ls command to list files for the /tmp directory:

     QSHEXEC CMDLINE('cd /tmp;ls')   

The following example runs an SQL query with db2util and exports the results as JSON to the QTEMP/STDOUTQSH outfile:

      QSHEXEC CMDLINE('export DB2UTIL_JSON_CONTAINER=array;db2util -o json "select * from qiws.qcustcdt"')     

QSHEXEC command parms

Overview - This CL command can be used to run a QSH/PASE command and log the results appropriately.

CMDLINE - Qsh/Pase command line sequence to run. Semicolons can be used to run multiple commands.

SETPKGPATH - Add the IBM i Open Source Package path to PATH environment variable by calling QSHPATH command before running QSH/PASE commands. Default = *YES.

DSPSTDOUT - Display the outfile contents. Nice when debugging.

LOGSTDOUT - Place STDOUT log entries into the current jobs job log. Use this if you want the log info in the IBM i joblog. All STDOUT entries are written as CPF message: QSS9898

PRTSTDOUT - Print STDOUT to a spool file. Use this if you want a spool file of the log output.

DLTSTDOUT - This option insures that the STDOUT IFS temp files get cleaned up after processing. All IFS log files get created in the /tmp/qsh directory.

IFSSTDOUT - Copy std output to an IFS file. Nice for aggregating log results to a file.

IFSFILE - IFS file for stdout results. Needs to be specified if IFSSTDOUT = *YES.

IFSOPT - IFS file option. *REPLACE = replace stdout IFS file. *ADD = Add to stdout IFS file.

CCSID - When using the iToolkit component for command access, I originally had some issues with CL commands not working correctly. However I don't currently remember exactly why. This may have been solved, however I recommend still passing a value of 37 unless you are in a non US country. If you set to *SAME, the CCSID will stay the same as your current job with no change.

PRTSPLF - This option holds the name of the spool file used when PRTSTDOUT = *YES. It's a nice way to customize the stdout log prints. Default = QSHEXECLOG

PRTUSRDTA - This option holds the name of the spool file user data used when PRTSTDOUT = *YES. *Default = NONE.

PRTTXT - This option holds the name of the spool file print txt to be used when PRTSTDOUT = *YES. *Default = NONE.

Using the QSHBASH CL command to call a bash command sequence

The following example calls the ls command to list files for the /tmp directory using the bash command:

     QSHBASH CMDLINE('cd /tmp;ls')   

The following example runs an SQL query with db2util and exports the results as JSON to the QTEMP/STDOUTQSH outfile:

      QSHBASH CMDLINE('export DB2UTIL_JSON_CONTAINER=array;db2util -o json "select * from qiws.qcustcdt"')     

QSHBASH command parms

Overview - This CL command can be used to run a PASE bash command and log the results appropriately.

The command is a convenience wrapper that can be used to call a bash command with QSHEXEC instead of having to type the following bash command sequence prefix on a QSHEXEC command line: bash -c cmdline

CMDLINE - Bash command line sequence to run. Semicolons can be used to run multiple commands.

SETPKGPATH - Add the IBM i Open Source Package path to PATH environment variable by calling QSHPATH command before running QSH/PASE commands. Default = *YES.

DSPSTDOUT - Display the outfile contents. Nice when debugging.

LOGSTDOUT - Place STDOUT log entries into the current jobs job log. Use this if you want the log info in the IBM i joblog. All STDOUT entries are written as CPF message: QSS9898

PRTSTDOUT - Print STDOUT to a spool file. Use this if you want a spool file of the log output.

DLTSTDOUT - This option insures that the STDOUT IFS temp files get cleaned up after processing. All IFS log files get created in the /tmp/qsh directory.

IFSSTDOUT - Copy std output to an IFS file. Nice for aggregating log results to a file.

IFSFILE - IFS file for stdout results. Needs to be specified if IFSSTDOUT = *YES.

IFSOPT - IFS file option. *REPLACE = replace stdout IFS file. *ADD = Add to stdout IFS file.

CCSID - When using the iToolkit component for command access, I originally had some issues with CL commands not working correctly. However I don't currently remember exactly why. This may have been solved, however I recommend still passing a value of 37 unless you are in a non US country. If you set to *SAME, the CCSID will stay the same as your current job with no change.

PRTSPLF - This option holds the name of the spool file used when PRTSTDOUT = *YES. It's a nice way to customize the stdout log prints. Default = QSHBASHLOG

PRTUSRDTA - This option holds the name of the spool file user data used when PRTSTDOUT = *YES. *Default = NONE.

PRTTXT - This option holds the name of the spool file print txt to be used when PRTSTDOUT = *YES. *Default = NONE.

Using the QSHPYRUN CL command to run a Python script via QSHEXEC

The following example calls a script that write to STDOUT

     QSHPYRUN SCRIPTDIR('/pythonapps')       
     ARGS(Parm1 Parm2)              

QSHPYRUN command parms

Overview - This CL command can be used to run a Python script via QSHEXEC and log the results appropriately.

SCRIPTDIR - The IFS directory location for the Python script. Ex: /python

SCRIPTFILE - The script file name you want to call without the directory path. The PYRUN command puts it all together. Ex:

ARGS - Command line parameter argument list. Up to 40 - 200 byte argument/parameter values can be passed to a Python script call. Each parm is automatically trimmed. Do NOT put double quotes around the parms or your program call may get errors because your parameters get compromised with extra double quotes. The double quotes are already added automatically inside the CL command processing program. Single quotes are allowed around your parmaeter data though if desired: Ex: 'My Parm Value 1' 'My Parm Value 2'

PYVERSION - The Python version you want to use. It should be set to either 2 for Python 2 or 3 for Python 3.

PYPATH - The this is the directory path to your Python binaries (python/python3). Hopefully you have already installed the Yum versions so the default path should be good. Leave value set to *DEFAULT. Default= /QOpenSys/pkgs/bin. The default path lives in the PYPATH data area in the PYONI library.

SETPKGPATH - Add the IBM i Open Source Package path to PATH environment variable by calling QSHPATH command before running QSH/PASE commands. Default = *YES.

DSPSTDOUT - Display the outfile contents. Nice when debugging.

LOGSTDOUT - Place STDOUT log entries into the current jobs job log. Use this if you want the log info in the IBM i joblog. All STDOUT entries are written as CPF message: QSS9898

PRTSTDOUT - Print STDOUT to a spool file. Use this if you want a spool file of the log output.

DLTSTDOUT - This option insures that the STDOUT IFS temp files get cleaned up after processing. All IFS log files get created in the /tmp/qsh directory.

IFSSTDOUT - Copy std output to an IFS file. Nice for aggregating log results to a file.

IFSFILE - IFS file for stdout results. Needs to be specified if IFSSTDOUT = *YES.

IFSOPT - IFS file option. *REPLACE = replace stdout IFS file. *ADD = Add to stdout IFS file.

CCSID - When using the iToolkit component for command access, I originally had some issues with CL commands not working correctly. However I don't currently remember exactly why. This may have been solved, however I recommend still passing a value of 37 unless you are in a non US country. If you set to *SAME, the CCSID will stay the same as your current job with no change.

PRTSPLF - This option holds the name of the spool file used when PRTSTDOUT = *YES. It's a nice way to customize the stdout log prints. Default = QSHEXECLOG

PRTUSRDTA - This option holds the name of the spool file user data used when PRTSTDOUT = *YES. *Default = NONE.

PRTTXT - This option holds the name of the spool file print txt to be used when PRTSTDOUT = *YES. *Default = NONE.

Using the QSHLOGSCAN CL command to scan the stdout outfile for the selected value after QSHEXEC has completed.

The command returns a CPF9898 excape message if value not found. Otherwise a CPF9898 completion message.

The following example scans the outfile log in file QTEMP/STDOUTQSH for a file named test.txt:

     QSHLOGSCAN SCANFOR('test.txt')   

QSHLOGSCAN command parms

Overview - This CL command is a convenience command that can be used to scan a STDOUT log for a specific value to indicate success or failure.

SCANFOR - Text value to scan for on each line in the stdout outfile. The value passed IS case sensitive and must match the value in the log file.

EXACTMATCH - *YES - Value must match exactly and be the only thing on the selected line. *NO - At least one line must contain the value somewhere in the line. Good for generic matching.

QSHPATH command parms

Overview - This CL command is a convenience command to add the IBM i Open Source packages directory name to the PATH environment variable.

PKGPATH - Specify IFS location to open source packages. *DEFAULT = /QOpenSys/pkgs/bin


This QShell on IBM i library contains useful CL wrapper commands to allow QShell and PASE apps to be called and consumed from regular IBM i jobs via CL, RPG or COBOL programs.






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  • Batchfile 41.0%
  • CLIPS 40.5%
  • Shell 18.5%