This is my personal collection of Java programs that I've written for practice and learning purposes. It covers various concepts and algorithms in Java programming.
This repository serves as my personal coding playground for Java. It contains programs I've written to:
- Explore different Java concepts
- Practice algorithm implementations
- Solve coding challenges
- Experiment with various programming techniques
The repository includes Java programs covering:
- Array manipulations
- Number system conversions (Binary, Decimal, Hexadecimal, Octal)
- Mathematical algorithms
- String operations
- Sorting algorithms
- Matrix operations
- Simple games (e.g., Tic-Tac-Toe)
- Encryption techniques
- Recursion examples
Each .java
file in this repository represents a different program or concept I've worked on. Some notable files include:
: My practice with number system
: My implementations of sorting
: My attempt at implementing the Caesar
: A simple Tic-Tac-Toe game I created
This repository is primarily for my personal use and reference. I use it to:
- Track my progress in learning Java
- Revisit and refine my implementations
- Keep a record of the concepts I've practiced
As this is a personal repository, it may contain incomplete or experimental code. The programs here reflect my learning journey and may not always represent best practices or optimal solutions.