Live Site: WizardChat
WizardChat is a full-stack (Ruby on Rails + React/Redux) messaging app modeled after Facebook Messenger. It includes live messaging between users with group messaging and direct messaging, implemented with ActionCable (a WebSocket framework for Rails).
This project was completed in two weeks. The process begin with the design of the following MVPs:
- User Authentication (backend and frontend)
- Live Messaging
- Direct Chats
- Group Chats
- User + Conversation Search
- User profile images
- User authentication with BCrypt
- Users communicate with live updating (ActionCable)
- User profile image upload and updating using Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Communication between frontend and backend with jQuery ajax
- Dynamic frontend (React + Redux)
class MessageFeed extends React.Component {
createSocket(currentChatId) {
let cable;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
cable = Cable.createConsumer('http://localhost:3000/cable');
} else {
cable = Cable.createConsumer('wss://');
this.chats = cable.subscriptions.create({
channel: "MessagesChannel",
chatId: currentChatId
}, {
connected: () => {
disconnected: () => {
received: (data) => {
class Api::UsersController < ApplicationController
def search
query = params['query'].downcase
userPriorityHash = {|h, k| h[k] = []}
@users = []
matched_users = User.all.each do |user|
next if ==
priority = matched_name(user.first_name, user.last_name, query)
userPriorityHash[priority] << user unless priority.nil?
(1..3).each do |n|
userPriorityHash[n].each do |user|
@users << user
render :search
- Send stickers + images + etc. in chats
- Messenger Bot
- Likes/Reactions to messages
- End to End Encryption