Gaming Space is a game store built with React that allows the user to search by name and category a variaty of interesting games and also buy them on that game's oficial page in other (real) game stores.
The App uses the RAWG Video Games Database API for providing games, game's categories, platforms, etc...
- React
- Material UI
- Redux Toolkit
- React Router
- Login using local-storage to determine if the user is logged or not;
- Search up to 99 pages of games by category or query;
- Add games to the library and view them filtering by favorited games and non favorited games;
- Add reviews to the games;
- Change the profile and background pictures of your user on the profile page;
- See the name, description, release year, rating, categories, platforms and minimum and recommended requirements of each game;
- Redirect to each specific game page on each specific oficial game store to buy a game