JSON-RPC server for interacting with Storm test framework. Thirdparty tools can post custom JSON messages to this Storm-JSONRPC server to trigger the test executions , so it will bridge with Storm and perform the validation.
Uses tests available in https://github.com/WebPlatformForEmbedded/Storm-Testcases .
Getting started
Install the dependencies
npm install
Start Storm json rpc server
npm start
Test Execution
For executing test using curl command follow below steps
Request Type :POST Sample command: curl --request POST --header 'Content-type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"execute_testcase","params":{"test":"thunder-controller-duplicate.test.js","execid":"RPI_Storm-20200103095005","device":{"host":""}}}'
JSON message details
“jsonrpc” field specifies json rpc version
“id” id parameter is to keep track of which response goes with which request>response will contain same id
“method” method name to be executed,we use execute_testcase method for executing test
Params: parameters passed to the method (execute_testcase) We have three params a)test : for specifying the test name for execution eg: thunder-controller-duplicate.test.js b)execid :unique id for tracking each execution c)device: device details on where the test is to be executed