A full stack app for library service.
This full-stack application provides a comprehensive solution for managing library services.
Google drive : click here
Tech Stack as follows:
Frontend: React JS for building a dynamic and user-friendly interface
Backend: Spring Boot with Spring Framework for handling application logic, data persistence, and API endpoints
Database: MySQL for storing and managing library data
Key Features
Book search and management: Users can search for books, view details, and manage book-related actions.
Loan management: Enables users to borrow and return books, with a system to track due dates and potential fines.
Delete books: user can delete a particular book (Remove from the library).
Technologies Used
- Frontend:
- React JS
- Bootstrap (for styling)
- Backend:
- Spring Boot
- Spring Framework
- MySQL Driver
- Spring Web Services
- Database:
- Testing:
- Postman (for API testing)
Installation and Setup
- Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/Venki1402/BookLibraryService
- Install dependencies:
- Frontend: npm install
- Backend: mvn install
- Configure database settings in application.properties (or a similar configuration file).
- Run the application: Backend: mvn spring-boot:run Frontend: npm start
Access the frontend application in your web browser (typically at http://localhost:3000). Interact with the application's features to manage library services.
For any questions or feedback, please reach out to Venkatesh at [email protected].