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Varsett authored Mar 26, 2024
1 parent 9ccaf72 commit d2b6155
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Showing 24 changed files with 254 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added 7z.dll
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added 7z.exe
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added AdbWinApi.dll
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added AdbWinUsbApi.dll
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added SDL2.dll
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added aapt2.exe
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added adb.exe
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added avcodec-60.dll
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added avformat-60.dll
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added avutil-58.dll
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added cygwin1.dll
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added devcon_x64.exe
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added fastboot.exe
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added hat.ico
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added iperf3.9
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added iperf3.exe
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added msys-usb-1.0.dll
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added ocgr.ico
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added ocwt.ico
Binary file not shown.
254 changes: 254 additions & 0 deletions qidcontextoem.cmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
::@set myfiles=d:\Quest2\adb
@echo off
::@chcp 65001
@set myfiles=C:\Temp\SendToHeadset
@set sendtofoldercmdfolder=C:\Temp\SendToHeadset

@setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion

call :_checkdevice

set hidefrstp=1^>NUL
set hidescndp=2^>NUL

set installname=%1

For %%v In (!installname!) Do (
Set "PathIncludePathGame=%%~dpv"
@set extens=%%~xv
@set attribs=%%~av
@set extname=%%~nxv
if /i !extens!==.apk goto _SingleApkInstall
if !attribs! GEQ d-------- goto _MultiApkInstall
if /i !extname!==install.txt call :_InstallCmdCreate
@echo ================================================
rem @echo +++ “áâ ­®¢ª  § ¢¥à襭  +++
@echo +++ Installation is complete +++
goto :_exittimeout

@echo ===============================================================
rem @echo +++ â® ­¥ ª â «®£, ­¥ apk ä ©« ¨ ­¥ install.txt +++
rem @echo.
rem @echo “áâ ­®¢¨âì ­¥ ¯®«ãç¨âáï
@echo +++ This is not a directory, not an apk file, and not an install.txt +++
@echo Installation will not be possible
@echo --------------------------------------------------------------
goto :_exitout

set "gPath=%installname%"
set /a MultiCounterOk=0
set /a MultiCounterEr=0
for /r %gPath% %%a in (*.apk) do (
set "apkname=%%a"
@set "apknamefile=%%~nxa"
@set PathBeforeObbPath=%%~dpa
@set "apkname=%%a"
@For /f "tokens=*" %%v In ("!apkname!") Do Set "PathGame=%%~dpv"
@for /f "tokens=*" %%d in ('@%myfiles%\aapt2 dump packagename "!apkname!"') do set pkgname=%%d
@if not defined pkgname call :_MultiInstallApkErr
@FOR /F "tokens=2 delims='" %%g IN ('@%MYFILES%\aapt2 dump badging "!apkname!" ^| find "application-label:"') DO set applabel=%%g
call :_MultiInstallProcess
@echo -----------------------------------------------
@echo ================================================
rem @echo +++ “áâ ­®¢ª  § ¢¥à襭  +++
rem @echo.
rem @echo “áâ ­®¢«¥­® : !MultiCounterOk!
rem @echo ¥ ãáâ ­®¢«¥­® : %MultiCounterEr%
rem @echo --------------------------------------------
rem @echo.
rem @echo ‘¯¨á®ª ­¥ ãáâ ­®¢«¥­­ëå ¯à¨«®¦¥­¨© á®åà ­¥­ ¢ %sendtofoldercmdfolder%\notinstalled.txt
rem @echo ®¯à®¡ã©â¥ ãáâ ­®¢¨âì ¨å ¢àãç­ãî. ’ ª¦¥ ¢®§¬®¦­®, çâ® ¢ ¨¬¥­¨ ä ©«  ¨«¨ ª â «®£ 
rem @echo ¥áâì ¢®áª«¨æ â¥«ì­ë© §­ ª - ¢ í⮬ á«ãç ¥ ¯®¯à®¡ã©â¥ 㤠«¨âì ¥£®.
@echo +++ Installation completed +++
@echo Installed : !MultiCounterOk!
@echo Not installed : %MultiCounterEr%
@echo --------------------------------------------
@echo The list of not installed applications is saved in %sendtofoldercmdfolder%\notinstalled.txt
@echo Try installing them manually. Also, it's possible that there is an exclamation mark
@echo in the file name or directory - if so, try removing it.
goto :_exittimeout

set hidefrstp=1^>NUL
set hidescndp=2^>NUL
if not defined applabel exit /b
set /a MultiCounterOk=%MultiCounterOk%+1
rem @echo %MultiCounterOk%. “áâ ­ ¢«¨¢ ¥¬ "%applabel%"
@echo %MultiCounterOk%. Installing "%applabel%"
@%MYFILES%\ADB install -r -g --no-streaming "%apkname%" %hidefrstp% %hidescndp%
@IF !ERRORLEVEL!==0 (call :_MultiCopyObbInslallApk) else (call :_MultiInstallApkErr)
set applabel=
set pkgname=
exit /b

if not exist "%PathGame%%pkgname%" call :_MultiInstalledOk && exit /b
@echo --
rem @echo = Š®¯¨à㥬 "%pkgname%" ¢ ª â «®£ OBB ­  è«¥¬..
@echo = Copying "%pkgname%" to the OBB directory on the headset..
@%MYFILES%\ADB shell mkdir -p /sdcard/Android/obb/%pkgname% %hidefrstp% %hidescndp%
@%MYFILES%\ADB push "%PathBeforeObbPath%%pkgname%" /sdcard/Android/obb/ %hidefrstp% %hidescndp%
call :_MultiInstalledOk
exit /b

rem @echo +++ Žè¨¡ª  ãáâ ­®¢ª¨ !apknamefile! +++
rem @echo.
rem @echo == à®¤®«¦ ¥¬ ãáâ ­®¢ªã
@echo +++ Installation error !apknamefile! +++
@echo == Continuing installation
set /a MultiCounterEr=%MultiCounterEr%+1
@echo !apkname! >>%sendtofoldercmdfolder%\notinstalled.txt
exit /b

@echo --
rem @echo = “áâ ­®¢«¥­® ãᯥ譮
@echo = Successfully installed
exit /b

set hidefrstp=1^>NUL
set hidescndp=2^>NUL
@echo off
@SET pkgName=
@set apkname=
set enterapkname=
@Set "apkname=%installname%"
@For %%v In (!apkname!) Do Set "PathIncludePathGame=%%~dpv"
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('%myfiles%\aapt2 dump packagename !apkname!') do set pkgname=%%a
FOR /F "tokens=2 delims='" %%g IN ('@%MYFILES%\aapt2 dump badging !apkname! ^| find "application-label:"') DO set applabel=%%g
@echo -----------------------------------------------
rem @echo = “áâ ­ ¢«¨¢ ¥¬ "%applabel%"
@echo = Installing "%applabel%"
%MYFILES%\ADB install -r -g %down% --no-streaming !apkname! %hidefrstp% %hidescndp%
@IF !ERRORLEVEL!==0 (call :_SingleCopyObbInslallApk) else (call :_SingleErrInstallApk)
@echo --
rem @echo = “áâ ­®¢«¥­® ãᯥ譮
@echo = Successfully installed
@echo ===========================================
goto :_exittimeout

if not exist "%PathIncludePathGame%%pkgname%" exit /b
@echo --
rem @echo Š®¯¨à㥬 "%pkgname%" ¢ ª â «®£ OBB ¢ è«¥¬...
@echo = Copying "%pkgname%" to the OBB directory on the headset..
@%MYFILES%\ADB shell mkdir -p /sdcard/Android/obb/%pkgname% %hidefrstp% %hidescndp%
@%MYFILES%\ADB push "%PathIncludePathGame%%pkgname%" /sdcard/Android/obb/ %hidefrstp% %hidescndp%
exit /b

@echo ===========================================
rem @echo +++ Žè¨¡ª  ãáâ ­®¢ª¨ +++
@echo +++ Installation Error +++
@goto _exitout

@echo ===========================================
rem @echo = “áâ ­®¢ª  ¯® á業 à¨î install.txt
rem @echo.
rem @echo …᫨ ¢® ¢à¥¬ï ãáâ ­®¢ª¨ ¢®§­¨ª­ã⠮訡ª¨,
rem @echo ®­¨ ¡ã¤ãâ § ¯¨á ­ë ¢ ä ©« errors.txt ¢ ª â «®£¥ á ¨£à®©.
@echo = Installation via install.txt script
@echo If errors occur during installation,
@echo they will be recorded in the errors.txt file in the game directory.
@echo -----
@echo @echo off>>"%PathIncludePathGame%install.cmd
@echo @echo.>>"%PathIncludePathGame%install.cmd"
@echo cd ^/D "%PathIncludePathGame%">>"%PathIncludePathGame%install.cmd"
@for /f "UseBackQ delims=" %%a in (%installname%) do (
@set newstring=%%a
@echo %myfiles%\!newstring! 2^>^>errors.txt>>"%PathIncludePathGame%install.cmd"
@echo @echo ^----->>"%PathIncludePathGame%install.cmd"
@echo @echo.>>"%PathIncludePathGame%install.cmd"
@cmd /c "%PathIncludePathGame%install.cmd"
@del "%PathIncludePathGame%install.cmd" /q
@findstr "^" "%PathIncludePathGame%errors.txt">nul&& echo.|| @del "%PathIncludePathGame%errors.txt" /q
exit /b

rem @echo ^>^>^>  ¦¬¨â¥ «î¡ãî ª­®¯ªã ¤«ï ¢ë室  ¨§ ¯à®£à ¬¬ë ^<^<^<
rem @echo ¨«¨ ¯®¤®¦¤¨â¥ ¯ïâì ᥪ㭤
@echo ^>^>^> Press any key to exit the program ^<^<^<
@echo or wait five seconds
@timeout 5 >nul
::@pause >nul

rem @echo ^>^>^>  ¦¬¨â¥ «î¡ãî ª­®¯ªã ¤«ï ¢ë室  ¨§ ¯à®£à ¬¬ë ^<^<^<
@echo ^>^>^> Press any key to exit the program ^<^<^<
@pause >nul

rem :_DeleteWrongSymbols
rem @for /r %%a in (*.zip) do (
rem set name=%%~nxa
rem call set "name=%%name:(=%%"
rem call set "name=%%name:)=%%"
rem rem call set "name=%%name:!=%%"
rem call set "name=%%name:+=%%"
rem call set "name=%%name: =%%"
rem call set "name=%%name:&=%%"
rem cmd/v/c ren "%%a" "!name:%%=!"
rem )
rem set installname=%name%
rem set installname=%1
rem exit/b

rem @echo ADB § ¯ã᪠¥âáï....
@echo ADB is starting..
@adb devices 1>nul 2>nul
@FOR /F "skip=1 tokens=2" %%G IN ('%sendtofoldercmdfolder%\adb devices ^| find "device"') DO set adbdevices=%%G
@if [%adbdevices%]==[] goto _NF
exit /b
rem @echo +++++ ˜«¥¬ ­¥ ­ ©¤¥­ +++++
@echo +++++ Headset not found +++++
rem @echo à®¢¥àì⥠ª ¡¥«ì­®¥ ᮥ¤¨­¥­¨¥ ¨ ¯à ¢¨«ì­®áâì ãáâ ­®¢ª¨ ¤à ©¢¥à®¢.
rem @echo ‡ â¥¬ ¯¥à¥§ ¯ãáâ¨â¥ íâ㠯ணࠬ¬ã á­®¢ .
@echo Check the cable connection and the correctness of the driver installation.
@echo Then restart this program again.
@goto _exitout
Binary file added scrcpy-server
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added scrcpy.exe
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added swresample-4.dll
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added wget.exe
Binary file not shown.

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