TODO: description
- python 3.6
- postgresql
Assuming you are using bash as your shell. After cloning the repo, navigate to the uwi-cs-webapp folder in your terminal.
Download and install git which includes git bash. Using git bash as your shell, clone the repo, and navigate to the uwi-cs-webapp folder in your terminal.
Once in that folder, follow these steps.
Create a virtual environment.
$ python3 -m venv ./venv
Activate the virtual environment.
$ source ./venv/bin/activate
Install all requirements.
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Run the development server.
$ export FLASK_CONFIG=development $ export $ flask run
Navigate to in your browser to check if everything is working properly.
Follow these general guidelines when contributing to the project.
- Fork the repo.
- Clone your forked repo.
- Create a branch with the name of the feature or fix you are implementing.
- Notify group(on whatsapp, just to prevent multiple people doing the same thing) of feature you are working on.
- Add your feature or fixes.
- Commit the code to your forked repo and ofcourse newly created branch.
- When you are done working on your feature or changes and have tested sufficiently, merge your feature/fix branch with your local development branch then create a pull request.
- Your code will be reviewed, feedback may be given.
- Your final code will then be merged into the development branch on the main repo and you will be added as a contributor to the project.