This is a workflow for Alfred.
This workflow supports quickly switching sound input and output devices.
It offers hotkeys to quickly switch between three input favorites and output favorites. You can also use a single hotkey to rotate among the favorites in sequence. Those can also be triggered using Alfred Remote.
Once installed, use the fetchaudiodevices
command in Alfred. Once you have selected either "Outputs" or "Inputs",
the workflow will copy a list of devices to the Clipboard. This is a convenience feature to support filling the
Ignorelist, Output Favorites and Input Favorites. (See below)
The value
External Headphones
iPhone Microphone
causes both listed devices not to be listed when selecting inputs or outputs.
The value
MacBook Pro Speakers
RØDE Connect Virtual
External Screen
means the following:
- ⌘ + F1 will select MacBook Pro Speakers.
- ⌘ + F2 will select RØDE Connect Virtual.
- ⌘ + F3 will select External Screen.
The value
MacBook Pro Microphone
RØDE Connect Stream
means the following:
- ⌥ + F1 will select MacBook Pro Microphone.
- ⌥ + F2 will select RØDE Connect Stream.
- ⌥ + F3 will have no effect.