A cross version factions API
###Supported Versions
- FactionsUUID 1.6.x
- Factions 2.x
The Api is based around the factions class To get an instance of the class
Factions factions = Factions.getInstance();
if (factions == null) {
//Factions is not on this server/isn't a supported version
} else {
//Integration code here
To get a player's faction info
FPlayer fplayer = factions.getFPlayer(player);
Faction faction = fplayer.getFaction();
FRank rank = fplayer.getRank();
switch (rank) {
case OWNER :
System.out.prinln("your are an owner");
case MODERATOR : //Or Officer
System.out.println("You are a moderator/officer");
case MEMBER :
System.out.println("You are a member");
case RECRUIT : //Only FactionsUUID
System.out.println("You are a recruit");
default : throw new RuntimeException();
To get info from a faction
Faction faction = factions.getOwningFaction(territory);
String name = faction.getName();
String description = faction.getDescription();
boolean safezone = faction.isSafezone();
boolean none = faction.isNone();
boolean warzone = faction.isWarzone();
Faction[] allies = faction.getAllies();
Faction[] enemies = faction.getEnemies();
boolean allyWithWarzone = faction.isAlly(Faction.WARZONE);
boolean allyWithSafezone = faction.isAlly(Faction.SAFEZONE);
FPlayer player = faction.getOwner();
FPlayer[] moderators = faction.getModerators();
FPlayer[] members = faction.getMembers(); //Just people with the rank member
FPlayer[] allMembers = faction.getAllMembers(); //Everyone belonging to the faction
//Rule The world with all this version independent information