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tcreusc edited this page Oct 27, 2023 · 3 revisions

To be expanded

Help! I can't push my commits to the Swan repository!

Log in to GitHub and access your Settings page. Click on Developer settings and then on Personal access tokens. Generate a new token with your desired expiration settings and scopes. Copy the personal access token that will appear on screen, and copy it somewhere safe -- as the page says, you will not see it again.

After that, open the Swan repository from GitHub Desktop. Click on Repository > Repository settings. Change the primary remote repository to have the following structure: https://YOUR_USERNAME_HERE:YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN/SwanLab/Swan.git. You should now be able to push your changes.

Note: for linux users the remote repository structure may be the following:

https://YOUR_USERNAME_HERE:[email protected]/SwanLab/Swan.git

Which toolboxes are required?

  • Signal Processing
  • Optimization
  • Symbolic
  • Curve Fitting
  • PDEs
  • Machine & Deep Learning
  • Image Processing