A very easy and simple to use lightweight app that converts your files formats to other file formats. It is used fully offline meaning it doesn't require any online connectivity or online processing. This app features multiple converters that include: image to image, audio to audio, video to video, and even video to audio file format conversions. Hence here is a list of all of the file extensions that are currently supported as of this date, (.png, .jpg, .jpeg, .tga, .ico, .gif, .wav, .ogg, .mp3, .mp4, .mkv, and .mov). More supported file formats may or will be added in future versions.
The app will require some prerequisites so all you need to do is open FCInstaller.exe and let it run its prerequisites installation. You'll have to download the exe from here seperately
To use you first start by clicking file and selecting which type of file converter you'd like.
Then from there you will need to choose either one or multiple input file formats and only one output.
Once you've done that you will need to select a file or select an entire directory of files, if you don't like your selection you can just hit clear files button to start over.
The last step is simply converting, you will be given the chance to select the converted files directory. Now for video to video and video to audio conversions a window will pop up showing the progress of the conversion as videos tend to take a little more time to process and calculate.
Make sure all of your files are in the correct format/extension, do not attempt or try to change the format of the file by changing its extension name. This will cause it to break and become a corrupted file.