Yet another ratio espresso scale
Chinese Manual:
PourOver Ratio Scale:
- ADD Long press "咖啡录入" to rotate display.
- FIX During minus porta filter weight mode, timer doesn't function.
- FIX During mode chaning, timer doesn't clear to zero.
- FIX In espresso mode, timer will auto start.
- FIX Sample can't be changed.
- ADD During power up, press and hold "+" to set portafilter weight.
- ADD In pure scale mode, press "+" to show weight without portafilter.
- ADD Change vRef to match your MCU.
- ADD Battery icon.
- ADD During power up, press and hold TARE to calibrate.
- ADD During power up, press and hold INPUT to set sample.
- ADD During power up, press and hold "-" to show info.
- Pure scale
- Espresso scale
- Setting
- "咖啡录入" Set coffee powder, and switch to espresso mode.
- "+" Switch between raw weight and weigh minus portafilter.
- "-" Switch between 0.1g / 0.01g
- "清零" Scale tare.
Auto-tare negative weight.
Auto-tare cup weight and start the timer.
Show time stamp of the first coffee drop.
Ratio display.
Auto stop the timer when extraction compeleted.
"咖啡录入" Click to start/stop/reset timer, long press to switch to pure scale.
"+" Plus 0.1g coffee powder weight. Long press will increase faster.
"-" Minus 0.1g coffee powder weight. Long press will decrease faster.
"清零" Tare and stop/reset timer.
During power on, press and hold the following buttons will...
- "咖啡录入" Set scale sample number. 1 for quick respond, and 128 for stability.
- "+" Set portafilter weight.
- "-" Show version info.
- "清零" Scale recalibration, 100g weight is needed.
Use OpenJumper™ Serial Assistant, link as below.