web interface pptp server accounting/management
Php 5.4 or higher. pptpd server a Webserver or simply use php -S
Default Password is "smoking nirvana" cuz its my favorite music name. You can change this value in line 5 of the index.php file.
i made this on centos7 distro, so u have to care about directory names that used in index file.
-Limit Multilogin to 1 online connection per user/Centos or redhat bases
sleep 1
PID=$(cat /var/run/$REALDEVICE.pid)
if [ $PID ]; then
PROCCESS="$(last -w | grep ppp | grep still | grep $REALDEVICE)"
USERNAME=$(echo $PROCCESS | cut -d' ' -f1)
NUMLOGINS="$(last -w | grep ppp | grep still | grep -c $USERNAME' ')"
if [ $NUMLOGINS -gt 1 ]; then
kill $PID
-Limit Multilogin to 1 online connection per user / Ubuntu or debian bases
sleep 2
PID=$(cat /var/run/$PPP_IFACE.pid)
if [ $PID ]; then
PROCCESS="$(last -w | grep ppp | grep still | grep $PPP_IFACE)"
USERNAME=$(echo $PROCCESS | cut -d' ' -f1)
NUMLOGINS="$(last -w | grep ppp | grep still | grep -c $USERNAME' ')"
if [ $NUMLOGINS -gt 1 ]; then
kill $PID
Add these lines to if-up file in /etc/ppp/if-up
hit star if u like it.