API to get max possible number of draws from given scores for Go Game
- Install Node.js v20.13.1
- Clone or download the repository
- cd to the project directory in the terminal
- Run
npm install
- Or manually install express v4.19.2, jest v29.7.0, supertest v7.0.0
- cd to the project directory in the terminal
- Run
node .
ornode server.js
to start the server - press
to stop the server
- Visit http://localhost:8080
- /maxDraws/:p0/:p1/:p2
- Here p0, p1 and p2 are the scores of the individual players
- The score should be in non decreasing order
- Every player's score should be between 0 and 30
- The scores should correspond to at least one valid configration of games
- The API returns a JSON object with max_draws
- If the any of the above constraints is not met by the input then -1 is returned as max_draws
- Otherwise the max possible draws that could have occured, for all valid configration of games, is returned
- for /maxDraws/2/3/6
{ "max_draws": 5 }
- for /maxDraws/6/6/6
{ "max_draws": 9 }
- for /maxDraws/5/5/5
{ "max_draws": -1 }
- for /maxDraws/3/2/6
{ "max_draws": -1 }
- cd to the project directory in the terminal
- Run
npx jest
to start the test - to add/edit tests edit