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Hello, for English, scroll below. Ahojte, pre Slovenčinu čítajte ďalej.

Bratislava-Rust-Meetup (slovensky)

Repozitár s informáciami o Bratislava-Rust-Meetup skupine.

Ďalšie stretnutie: Bude ohlásené čoskoro.

O skupine

Zaujímame sa o nový programovací jazyk Rust od Mozilly. Vítame všetkých nadšencov od nováčikov až po expertov. Aj keď Vás Rust zatiaľ len zaujal. Chceme sa stretávať, učiť sa o Ruste a pracovať na Rust projektoch všetkých druhov.


Radi si vypočujeme Váš názor!

Ďalšie stretnutia

Budú ohlásené prostredníctvom platformy Meetup.


  • Kde: Nivy Tower, 6. poschodie
  • Prezentácia: AWS Lambda functions in Rust.
  • Video: SK youtube
  • Kde: Nivy Tower, 6. poschodie
  • Prezentácia: Unsafe Rust - misconceptions, footguns, patterns.
  • Video: youtube
  • Kde: Nivy Tower, 6. poschodie



Bratislava-Rust-Meetup (english)

Repository with information about the Bratislava Rust Meetup group.

We're a local group and our meetups are conducted mostly in Slovak language. We're experimenting with English language meetups as well, let us know what you think!

About the Group

We're interested in the new system programming language Rust from Mozilla. Our group is open to everyone from beginners to experts. Even if you're just an enthusiast. The group facilitates getting together, learning more about Rust and working on Rust projects of all kinds.


Have a question? Would you like to request a presentation or a workshop? We'd be happy to hear from you:

Upcoming Events

Will be announced via Meetup.

Feel free to take a peek into the past_talks folder to see what we're about.