This pipeline do almost nothing, it's used by Pirus unit tests to test the lxd container manager. And it's a very simple pipeline that is use for tutorials
This document explain you how to build it.
- You need LCX and LXD installed on your computer.
git clone
make build_lxc_image
If the make instruction run without error, it will create the pirus pipeline image : LxdPirus_TestUnitaire.tar.xz
You can then use it on your server to run TU (have a look to the Pirus/pirus/tests/core/ to set the path where is the image).
# create a container
lxc launch images:ubuntu/xenial pirus
# go inside the freshly created container
lxc exec pirus -- /bin/bash
# following directories are mandatory
mkdir -p /pipeline/{job,inputs,outputs,logs,db}
# need curl if you want to notify server with the progress of your run
apt install curl jq nano --fix-missing
# Create the script this will be the "entry point" of your run
# An example can be found on github (
nano /pipeline/job/
chmod +x /pipeline/job/
# To allow users to configure your pipeline, you shall put in your container a form.json file
# that will describe a form to set parameter for your pipe.
# An example can be found on github (
nano /pipeline/form.json
# You can also put a a custom logo (png or jpeg file) in your pipeline.
# exit the container
# stop it and create an image
lxc stop pirus
lxc publish pirus --alias=PirusTest
# Your Pipeline is ready to use on your server
lxc image export PirusTest
# following command shall be done as root to avoid image corruption
# (as it will try to create symlink to computer resource in /dev folder by example)
sudo tar xf <the_name_of_lxc_export_something_like_a8d44d24fcs...8fzef54e5>.tar.gz
# add folowing informations into the metadata.yaml file
sudo nano metadata.yaml
# if json
"name" : "Pirus Test", # required : the name of your pipe
"description" : "Test pipeline", # optional : the purpose of your pipe
"version": "1.0.0", # optional : the version of your pipe
"pirus_api": "1.0.0", # optional : the pirus api version
"license" : "AGPLv3", # optional : the license of your pipe
"developers" : ["Olivier GUEUDELOT"], # optional : a list of name
"job" : "/pipeline/job/", # required : the command command that shall be execute to run your pipe (use absolute path)
"inputs" : "/pipeline/inputs", # optional : absolute path to the folder (in the container) where inputs files for the pipe shall be put
"outputs" : "/pipeline/outputs", # optional : absolute path to the folder (in the container) where ouputs files of the pipe will be put
"databases" : "/pipeline/db", # optional : absolute path to the folder (in the container) where tierce databases (hg19 by example) shall be put
"logs" : "/pipeline/logs", # optional : absolute path to the folder (in the container) where log of the run will be put
"form" : "/pipeline/form.json", # optional : absolute path to the json file that describe the form for the user to configure the run of the pipe
"icon" : "/pipeline/logo.png" # optional : absolute path to the image that shall be used as logo for the pipe
# if yaml
name: "Pirus Test" # required
description: "Test pipeline for pirus"
version : "1.0.0"
pirus_api: "1.0.0"
license: "AGPLv3"
developers: ["Olivier GUEUDELOT"]
job: "/pipeline/job/" # required
logs: "/pipeline/logs"
inputs: "/pipeline/inputs"
outputs: "/pipeline/outputs"
databases: "/pipeline/db"
form: "/pipeline/form.json"
icon: "/pipeline/logo.png"
# You can repackage the image in tar.xz, to save space
sudo tar cfJ PirusTest.tar.xz metadata.yaml rootfs templates
sudo rm -fr metadata.yaml rootfs templates
sudo chown olivier:olivier PirusTest.tar.xz