Various CloudFormation templates for doing this and that.
A set of templates in doiab
to stand-up an integrated toolchain (WIP). Must be run sequentially:
- iam.json creates a managed policy, role, and instance profile for EC2 instances
- vpc.json creates a VPC with 2 private and 2 public subnets, a NAT Gateway, VPC Endpoints for S3 and Dynamo, and preconfigured route tables
- security-groups.json creates a set of security groups for Jenkins, Nexus, and the UrbanCode products
- server-nodes.json creates EC2 instances using based on IAM and security groups
Modified versions of the Atlassian Quick Start offerings in atlassian
- Bitbucket Data Center - Modified to allow for smaller EC2/RDS/Elasticsearch types
- Jira Data Center - Modified to allow for smaller EC2/RDS instance types and to use ALB
Templates from AWS in aws