-> Weather App in Flutter Using OpenWeather API
City Weather Search:
Retrieve weather details for the searched city. Display includes:->
Current temperature, Weather condition, , Maximum and minimum temperatures , Humidity ,Wind speed Sea level , Sunrise and sunset times
UI/UX Enhancements:->
Lottie Animations: Used for dynamic and engaging animations.
Interactive UI: Gesture detectors and snackbars are implemented for better user interaction and feedback.
Local Storage:-> Persistent Data: The last searched city's data is stored securely on the device using flutter_secure_storage: ^9.2.2.
Swipe Down functionality to refresh the page of the application.
flutter_svg: ^2.0.10+1 for SVG rendering.
lottie: ^3.1.2 for animations.
http: ^1.2.1 for HTTP requests to the OpenWeather API.
flutter_secure_storage: ^9.2.2 for secure local storage.
flutter_launcher_icons: ^0.13.1 for app launcher icon customization.
///-------------- The Images and Video(Demo) of the app is in the Zip file below------------------------------///