A curated list of awesome Apple security resources
- Pegasus
- Predator
- Opeation Triangulation
- Matthias Frielingsdorf (iVerify)
- Luca Todesco (Dataflow Security)
- Billy Ellis
- Guy Rutenberg
- Cellebrite
- Magnum Forensics
- iVerify
- Dataflow Forensics
- Dataflow Security
- NSO Group
- Citizen Labs
- Amnesty Labs
- Current State Of IOS Malware Detection - Matthias Frielingsdorf
- In Walled Gardens be Careful of Poisoned Apples - Matthias Frielingsdorf
- Life and death of an iOS attacker - Luca Todesco
- MacOS and iOS Internals, Volume I: User Mode (v1.3)
- MacOS and iOS Internals, Volume II: Kernel Mode
- MacOS and iOS Internals, Volume III: Security & Insecurity
- iOS Forensics for Investigators: Take mobile forensics to the next level by analyzing, extracting, and reporting sensitive evidence
- SANS FOR518: Mac and iOS Forensic Analysis and Incident Response
- SANS FOR585: Smartphone Forensic Analysis In-Depth
- SANS SEC575: iOS and Android Application Security Analysis and Penetration Testing
- Kaspersky: Mobile Malware Reverse Engineering
- iOS Application Security Engineer (iASE)
- Enciphers: iOS Application Security
- Xintra: iOS Reversing & Explotation ARM64
- Mobile Hacking Lab: iOS Courses (in development as of October 2024)
- 8KSec: Offensive Mobile Reversing and Exploitation
- 8KSec: Practical Mobile Application Exploitation
- 8KSec: Offensive iOS Internals
- 8KSec: Offesnive ARM64 Reversing and Exploitation Course
- 8KSec: Practical Mobile Forensics
- TCM Security: Mobile Application Penetration Testing
- OffSec EXP-312: Advanced macOS Control Bypasses
- SANS FOR518: Mac and iOS Forensic Analysis and Incident Response
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Thanks to all who invested their time in creating pull requests and sharing their contributions!