Explore OpenClassrooms courses
- Issue with Chrome browser : visualizations are blocked because of launching JS and resources from external servers (see open issue jupyterlab/jupyterlab#7539 )
Please use Firefox to launch the notebook!
Copyright (c) 2021, Tristan Vanrullen Note there is a licence for the code and another for the contents generated by the application See LICENCE for more details
This is a work in progress, but you can read the minidoc.html file located in the doc folder of this repository. A pdf of the minidoc is also accessible here : https://github.com/TristanV/OCCoursesExplorer/blob/main/doc/OpenClassrooms%20Courses%20Explorer%20minidoc.pdf
Web scrapping is delicate activity. it is recommended to be fair with the scrapped website:
- respect the original website licences regarding its content : in the present case, original content is licenced "CC BY SA 4.5"
- do not stress the original website when scrapping its pages : min 2s between two queries.