CacheBundle adds features to Doctrine Cache implementation
- Default lifetime
- Fetch with a namespace
- Save with a namespace
- Cache invalidation through namespace strategy
- CacheProvider Builder
See OpenClassrooms/Cache for more details.
This bundle can be installed using composer:
composer require openclassrooms/cache-bundle
or by adding the package to the composer.json file directly.
"require": {
"openclassrooms/cache-bundle": "*"
After the package has been installed, add the bundle to the AppKernel.php file:
// in AppKernel::registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new OpenClassrooms\Bundle\CacheBundle\OpenClassroomsCacheBundle(),
// ...
default_lifetime: 10 (optional, default = 0)
# Providers
# array
provider: array
# redis
host: localhost
port: 6379 (optional, default = 6379)
timeout: 0.0 (optional, default = 0.0)
The configured cache is available as openclassrooms.cache.cache
$cache = $container->get('openclassrooms.cache.cache');
$cache->fetchWithNamespace($id, $namespaceId);
$cache->save($id, $data);
$cache->saveWithNamespace($id, $data, $namespaceId);
The configured cache provider is available as openclassrooms.cache.cache_provider
$cacheProvider = $container->get('openclassrooms.cache.cache_provider');
The cache provider builder is available as openclassrooms.cache.cache_provider
$builder = $container->get('openclassrooms.cache.cache_provider_builder');
// Redis
$cacheProvider = $builder
->withPort(6379) // Default 6379
->withTimeout(0.0) // Default 0.0
See OpenClassrooms/Cache for more details.