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A cross platform C++ library to serialize scalar as little or big endian


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A cross platform C++ library to get rid with of binary serialization issues. This library can serialize in buffer the most common types.

Supported Types

All the types are from cstdint.

Type Size (in bytes) Read Write
std::uint8_t UINT8_SIZE : 1 GET_UINT8 SET_UINT8
std::int8_t INT8_SIZE : 1 GET_INT8 SET_INT8
std::uint16_t UINT16_SIZE : 2 GET_UINT16 SET_UINT16
std::int16_t INT16_SIZE : 2 GET_INT16 SET_INT16
std::uint32_t UINT32_SIZE : 4 GET_UINT32 SET_UINT32
std::int32_t INT32_SIZE : 4 GET_INT32 SET_INT32
std::uint48_t UINT48_SIZE : 6 GET_UINT48 SET_UINT48
std::int48_t INT48_SIZE : 6 GET_INT48 SET_INT48
std::uint64_t UINT64_SIZE : 8 GET_UINT64 SET_UINT64
std::int64_t INT64_SIZE : 8 GET_INT64 SET_INT64

Quick Start

Endn provide 2 main namespace: endn::little and endn::big. You should use one or the other depending on which format you need to handle.

If you need to choose a format for you protocol, you should go with little endian because most cpu nowadays are little endian. This will reduce execution on most machine.


Both namespace provide function in the form GET_<TYPE>. That return a copy of the type in host ordered bytes.

Read function come with 2 signatures:

  • (const std::uint8_t* buf) : Equivalent of second signature with offset = 0.
  • (const std::uint8_t* buf, const std::size_t offset)
#include <Endn/Little.hpp>
#include <Endn/Big.hpp>

void main()
    std::uint8_t buffer[] = {0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78};

    std::uint32_t u32;
    // Value is 0x012345678
    u32 = endn::big::GET_UINT32(buffer);
    // Value is 0x78563412
    u32 = endn::little::GET_UINT32(buffer);

    std::uint16_t u16;
    // Read at offset, value is 0x1234
    u16 = endn::big::GET_UINT16(buffer, 0);
    // Read at offset, value is 0x3456
    u16 = endn::big::GET_UINT16(buffer, 1);
    // Read at offset, value is 0x5678
    u16 = endn::big::GET_UINT16(buffer, 2);


To write, both namespace provide SET_<TYPE> functions. They come with 3 signatures:

  • (std::uint8_t * buf, const <type> val): Write at offset 0 of buf
  • (std::uint8_t* buf, const std::size_t offset, const <type> val : Write at offset offset of buf.
  • (std::uint8_t* buf, const std::size_t offset, const <type> val, std::size_t& length): Write at offset offset of buf and increment length of size of <type>. This signature is useful to chain write into a buffer.
#include <Endn/Little.hpp>
#include <Endn/Big.hpp>

void main()
    std::uint8_t buffer[] = {0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78};

    // buffer is now {0xAB, 0xCD, 0x56, 0x78}
    endn::big::SET_UINT16(buffer, 0xABCD);
    // buffer is now {0xCD, 0xAB, 0x56, 0x78}
    endn::little::SET_UINT16(buffer, 0xABCD);

    // buffer is now {0xCD, 0xAB, 0x12, 0x34}
    endn::big::SET_UINT16(buffer, 2, 0x1234);

    // buffer is now {0xCD, 0x56, 0x78, 0x34}
    endn::little::SET_UINT16(buffer, 1, 0x5678);

    std::size_t length = 0;

    // buffer is now {0xCD, 0x56, 0x12, 0x34}
    // length is now 2
    endn::big::SET_UINT16(buffer, 2, 0x1234, length);

To read array it is possible to memcpy from buffer to a host buffer with MEMCPY_<SIZE> functions.

Code depending on host endianess

When linking with LibEndian, an useful defined value can be used: ENDN_IS_BIG_ENDIAN. This give information about the executing host. In your code you can do thing like:

// Big endian code
// Little endian code

Build with CMake

Endn is an INTERFACE library, this mean it won't be build into a library, but carry dependencies of include, and define. Add it to your cmake project by using add_subdirectory or by using the FetchContent feature.

# ...
    GIT_TAG        "master"
# ...
# ...

target_link_libraries(MyTarget Endn)


  • ENDN_TARGET : Name of the library target. Default : "Endn"
  • ENDN_PROJECT : Name of the project. Default : "Endn"
  • ENDN_ENABLE_BSWAP: Enable build in swap function if available. Default: ON.
  • ENDN_ENABLE_TESTS: Enable Endn unit tests. Default: OFF.


  • ENDN_TARGET : Output target to link to.
  • ENDN_VERSION : Current version of the library


  • 1.0.0 : Initial work
    • 1.0.1 : Fix CMakeLists status
    • 1.0.2 : Fix CMakeLists file name
  • v1.2.0 : Hard fork of libendian
    • Drop support for class, to use namespace instead.
    • Use std types instead of c types for *int*.
    • Library is now an INTERFACE instead of a binary library.
  • v1.3.0: Critical fix for GET_UINT16/32/48/64 (casting issue)
    • Unit tests on amd64 (windows/mac/linux)
    • Unit tests on arm64/ppc64le/s390x (linux)