Technopark algorithms
Implementation of various algorithms in C / C++ for the first semester of Technopark.
- Dijkstra's algorithm for sparse graphs.
- Computation of all possible shortest paths in an undirected graph.
- 4 different implementations of graph storage.
- The self-balancing AVL-tree.
- The Cartesian tree.
- Pre-order binary search tree traversal without recursion.
- Hash table with open addressing and collision resolution by quadratic probing. Hash computation by Gorner's method.
- LSD sorting in linear time for unsigned types.
- Algorithm for search k-th order statistic (the number which would stand on position with index k in sorted array).
- Implementation of merge sorting. Finding total length of a tiling by a set of segments.
- Implementation of a Queue with priority on a heap.
- Implementation of a queue on two stacks.
- Finding intersection of two arrays of non-repeating integers ordered in ascending order.
- Finding pairs of numbers from two arrays that add up to a given number.