Changes in v1.5
- Removed the ocrtoc_materials_patch folder.
- Added a launch file for MoveIt (/ur5_e_robotiq_2f_85_moveit_config/launch/all.launch).
- Added kinect/realsense/ur5e calibration files (/ocrtoc_task/config)
- Updated urdf files for the real robot stage (description/ur_e_description/urdf). The "ur5e_joint_limited_robot.urdf.xacro" file will load the calibration files.
- Updated all models for the real robot stage (/ocrtoc_materials_real_stage/models).
- Updated the kinect/realsense launch files, improved the image quality.
- Added a FAQ document about the issues we encountered in the trial period (/docs).
- Added a document about the detail information of camera topics (/docs).
- Added documents about the topic lists (/docs).
- Extended with "Differences between the real robot stage and the simulation stage" and "Sample data collected from the real robot".