Weather App - Final Project - She Codes Plus App Hosted on Netlify:
How I worked on this project: The workshop goal was to build a weather app from scratch using a professional development workflow / environment.
- Original App Design:
- I completed tasks in the following manner: --> Mock-up --> UI Development of basic HTML / CSS --> Feature: City Search Form --> Feature: Display Time / Date --> Feature: Add Search Engine --> Feature: Link Search Engine to display name of city in search form --> Feature: Integrate API OpenWeather API to gather temperature data for city in search form, display temperature once API is called --> Feature: Add data for humidity, wind speed and weather conditions per API call --> Feature: Add weather icons based on API call --> Feature: Add 5 day weather forecast
- The application displays data from the API in the form of current date and time of your current location using google API
- Responsive form to search for weather in 200,000+ cities across the globe
- The application fetches data from the OpenWeather API
- The application displays data for the searched city and a 5-day weather forcecast
- Since I've only done workshop based development and am otherwise self-taught, I'm used to following fairly rigid workflows that are set to me. This project was my first full scale web application build from mockup to production.
- My plan is to become a full-stack developer eventually but I've only taken workshops that focus on the frontend, which meant we used an existing API. I have limited backend knowledge but I would love to have a way to track which cities are being searched for in this app.
- Figure out a way to integrate the backend to track the data
- Refactor some of the code. Especially this part [link to code on GitHub]