The Amazon React is a full-stack web application designed to replicate the core functionalities of an e-commerce platform. This project demonstrates my ability to build scalable, modern web applications using popular technologies for both frontend and backend development.
- Frontend Development: The application’s frontend is built using React, providing a dynamic and responsive user interface. Vite was used as the build tool to optimize the development process and ensure high performance.
- Authentication: User authentication and account management were implemented using Firebase, ensuring secure and seamless login functionality.
- Backend Development: The backend is powered by Node.js and Express.js, handling all API requests, user sessions, and server-side logic effectively.
- Database Integration: Firebase Realtime Database was utilized for storing and managing application data.
- Deployment: The application is hosted on Netlify, providing fast and reliable access.
- GitHub Repository: Amazon Clone
- Live Application: View on Netlify
Below is a screenshot of the application’s homepage to provide a visual overview of the project’s design and functionality.