A library of high level tools for working with AWS SQS queues.
Create a worker for consuming an SQS queue:
sqs-utils.core> (doc handle-queue)
([sqs-config queue-url handler-fn {:keys [num-handler-threads auto-delete], :or {num-handler-threads 4, auto-delete true}, :as opts}] [sqs-config queue-url handler-fn])
Set up a loop that listens to a queue and process incoming messages.
sqs-config - A map of the following keys, used for interacting with SQS:
access-key - AWS access key ID
secret-key - AWS secret access key
endpoint - SQS queue endpoint - usually an HTTPS based URL
region - AWS region
queue-url - URL of the queue
handler-fn - a function which will be passed the incoming message. If
auto-delete is false, a second argument will be passed a `done`
function to call when finished processing.
opts - an optional map containing the following keys:
num-handler-threads - how many threads to run (defaults: 4)
auto-delete - boolean, if true, immediately delete the message,
if false, forward a `done` function and leave the
message intact. (defaults: true)
a kill function - call the function to terminate the loop.
=> nil
Send messages to a queue:
sqs-utils.core> (doc send-message)
[sqs-config queue-url payload]
Send a message to a standard queue.
=> nil
sqs-utils.core> (doc send-fifo-message)
[sqs-config queue-url payload {message-group-id :message-group-id, deduplication-id :deduplication-id, :as options}]
Send a message to a FIFO queue.
message-group-id - a tag that specifies the group that this message
belongs to. Messages belonging to the same group
are guaranteed FIFO
deduplication-id - token used for deduplication of sent messages
=> nil
There are also some utilities for use in tests - see the sqs-utils.test-utils
namespace for details.
The latest release version of sqs-utils is hosted on Clojars:
Spin up a localhost SQS server in Docker Compose,
$ docker-compose up -d sqs
And then run the test suites,
$ lein test
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright © 2018 Motiva AI