Using Ruby, I followed this tutorial from It gives a beautiful introduction to the Tk graphics library.
Taking all of the tutorial examples (in Ruby code), I rewrote them into a style I would use in production. (However, each example still completely fits within a single file.) They are arranged by tutorial chapter.
In the rewrite, I used Hungarian notation for all of the object instances derived from Tk classes. This was in order to distinguish the Tk objects clearly from any other objects or identifiers. For a table presenting the prefixes, see other/hungarian-notation.txt.
Tested using Tk 8.5.12 and Ruby 2.2.5, on Windows 7.
The Tcl/Tk 8.5 Commands documentation and the Ruby Tk documentation.
The Ruby developer code examples for using Tk.
My repository try-tk (which is obsolete).
Copyright (c) 2019 Mark D. Blackwell.
License: MIT