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Michael Miller edited this page Jul 27, 2023 · 2 revisions

PCF8563Alarm is used to set the properties of the alarm.


PCF8563Alarm(uint8_t dayOfMonth,

    uint8_t hour,
    uint8_t minute,
    uint8_t dayOfWeek,
    uint8_t controlFlags)  

Construct an alarm settings object.
dayOfMonth - (1-31) the day of the month to match
hour - (1-24) the hour of the day to match
dayOfWeek - (0-6) the day of the week to match
controlFlags - a set of flags combined that define which of the above properties are used to match with the current time to trigger the alarm.

  • PCF8563AlarmControl_MinuteMatch - match the minutes
  • PCF8563AlarmControl_HourMatch - match the hour
  • PCF8563AlarmControl_DayOfMonthMatch - match the day of the month
  • PCF8563AlarmControl_DayOfWeekMatch - match the day of the week


uint8_t DayOfMonth()

<return>, the day of the month

uint8_t Hour()

<return>, returns the hour, 24 hour format

uint8_t Minute()

<return>, returns the minutes

uint8_t DayOfWeek()

<return>, the day of the week

uint8_t ControlFlags()

<return>, returns the control flag value

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