Release Notes
This long overdue release concentrates on adding testing, and improving documentation. Major changes include:
- Generating workflow descriptions for each run
- Streamline circleCI workflow
- Reducing memory usage
Thanks to all listed contributors, as well as to many not listed here !
- [ENH] Adding monoexponential curve fit (#409) @dowdlelt
- Fit to each subset of echoes and fit to all data (not mean). (#8) @tsalo
- [ENH] Stop writing __meica_mix.1D (#406) @frodeaa
- docs: add benoitberanger as a contributor (#398) @allcontributors
- [ENH] --debug flag appear now in the help & documentation (#385) @benoitberanger
- MAINT: Update numpy and Python requirements (#397) @effigies
- [FIX][ENH][TST] Adds datetime logfile and removes it from outputs, fixes stream handling (#391) @jbteves
- [FIX][TST] Adds curl installation where needed (#390) @jbteves
- docs: add monicayao as a contributor (#389) @allcontributors
- [TST] Add smoke tests to io.py and viz.py (#380) @monicayao
- [TST] Additional smoke tests for stats.py (#386) @monicayao
- [TST] Additional smoke tests for utils.py (#377) @monicayao
- Update to sync (#4) @monicayao
- [DOC] Allows small doc patches (#374) @jbteves
- [DOC] Update CONTRIBUTING and README with developer installation, contributing and testing instructions (#375) @jsheunis
- docs: add jsheunis as a contributor (#381) @allcontributors
- Sync new changes (#6) @dowdlelt
- [TST] New smoke tests for functions in decay.py (#367) @monicayao
- Update #3 (#3) @monicayao
- [FIX, TST] Fix CodeCov report upload (#371) @tsalo
- [TST] Streamline CircleCI workflow (#368) @tsalo
- [DOC] Fix links and sizes in approach documentation (#369) @tsalo
- [DOC] Update to automatically update copyright year (#366) @monicayao
- Update (#2) @monicayao
- [FIX] Use PCA-based variance explained in PCA decision tree (#364) @tsalo
- [DOC, ENH] Generate workflow description for each run (#349) @tsalo
- [DOC] Walk through TE-dependence in more detail (#354) @tsalo
- [ENH, REF] Reduce memory requirements for metric calculation and PCA (#345) @tsalo
- [doc] Add poster from OHBM 2019 meeting, fix RTD (#340) @emdupre
- Multi-echo background documentation edits (#351) @handwerkerd
- [DOC] Fix small typos in multi-echo.rst documentation (#348) @jsheunis
- update (#1) @monicayao
- [DOC] Add newsletter to README file & RTD homepage (#342) @KirstieJane
- [FIX] Add TR checking and user option (#333) @jbteves
- [DOC] Adding recommendations into multi-echo.rst (#341) @handwerkerd
- [DOC] Clean up approach page (#337) @tsalo
- [DOC] Corrects doc after refactor (#324) @jbteves
- [REF] Gets rid of mask argument in tedana.fit.dependence_metrics (#326) @jbteves
- [FIX] Modifies three-echo dataset url to new location (#329) @jbteves
- [REF] Changes model module -> metrics module (#325) @jbteves
- docs: add tsalo as a contributor (#323) @allcontributors
- docs: add tsalo as a contributor (#322) @allcontributors
- [DOC] Updates CONTRIBUTING to reflect contribution spec and bot (#309) @jbteves
- docs: add tsalo as a contributor (#321) @allcontributors
- docs: add monicayao as a contributor (#319) @allcontributors
- [DOC] Addition to the multi-echo fMRI section to include more background (#314) @monicayao
- [DOC] Update homepage > "about tedana" to redirect readers to relevant page (#313) @monicayao
- [DOC] Adds 'quick start' guidelines for new contributors (#293) @jbteves
- [DOC] Requests no Draft PRs in CONTRIBUTING (#296) @jbteves
- [DOC] Update Visual Reports Documentation (#311) @dowdlelt
- [FIX] Add early escape from TEDICA decision tree (#298) @tsalo
- update fork (#5) @dowdlelt
- docs: add emdupre as a contributor (#307) @allcontributors
- docs: add javiergcas as a contributor (#306) @allcontributors
- docs: add prantikk as a contributor (#305) @allcontributors
- docs: add rmarkello as a contributor (#304) @allcontributors
- docs: add dowdlelt as a contributor (#303) @allcontributors
- docs: add handwerkerd as a contributor (#302) @allcontributors
- docs: add tsalo as a contributor (#301) @allcontributors
- docs: add KirstieJane as a contributor (#300) @allcontributors
- docs: add jbteves as a contributor (#299) @allcontributors
- [REF] Create new stats module (#273) @tsalo
- [FIX] Sort comptable by varex before identifying outlier components (#295) @tsalo
- [REF] Reorganize selcomps and fitmodels_direct (#266) @tsalo
- [DOC] Updates copyright year (#291) @jbteves
- [ENH] Adds static logging filename (#280) @jbteves
- [DOC] Add Paused label description to CONTRIBUTING (#278) @jbteves
- [DOC] Adds information on why we use multi-echo (#288) @emdupre
- [DOC] Changes source->conda for env (de)activate (#286) @jbteves
- [DOC] Add stale issue policy to CONTRIBUTING (#279) @jbteves
- Update multi-echo.rst (#284) @handwerkerd
- [DOC] Fixes Random Seed Help Text (#281) @jbteves
- [REF, DOC] Document and refactor selcomps (#262) @tsalo
- [ENH] Improve manual component selection (#263) @tsalo
- [REF] Split eigendecomp into ICA and PCA files (#265) @tsalo