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DevOps 360°

DevOps 360° is an introduction to automation with Ansible. For more details about the project, please check:

0. Setup the Ansible controller

sudo yum install python-pip git
sudo pip install -U pip
pip install ansible==

0.1. Install Ansible roles dependencies from Galaxy

cd ansible/
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

1. Stage 1 - Drinks

1.1. Find out which vars to override from ansible-role-libvirt/defaults/vars.yml so that you can use the module on your own server

The role libvirt allows you to start VMs using KVM. You will have to override certain variables so that the role can work on your own server.

⁉️ Determine which variables you should override from defaults/vars.yml in order to make the module working on your server.

⁉️ Once you have identified the variables you need to override, create an inventory folder called vms under <root>/ansible/inventories/ and add an empty hosts file under vms. Create group_vars/all/libvirt and add group_vars/all/libvirt/vars.yml file with your variable overrides.

1.2. Create an alias to make your life easier

⁉️ In order to keep the command line light, we will create a bash alias (add this line the your ~/.bashrc) with the following command:

alias play="ansible-playbook -i inventories/vms"

To make the alias active, either logout/login or run source ~/.bashrc.

From now, you will use play instead of ansible-playbook. Keep in mind what is happening behind the scene when you use the alias.

1.3. Test the libvirt role

At this stage, you are ready to test if you did well so far 😅, Let's try to run vm-create.yml playbook:

play vm-create.yml

### If you want you can run virsh list to make sure the VM is real
virsh list

If the playbook completes successfully, try to SSH into your VM with:

If that works, let's destroy this ansible-test VM with:

play vm-delete.yml

### Again, you can run virsh list to make sure the VM is gone
virsh list

...and let's order appetizers!

2. Stage 2 - Appetizers

2.1. Get ready with the infrastructure

Now that you have a configured libvirt role, we will start working on a first stage of the project BeerBattle alias devops-360-webapp.

Let's begin with a simple infrastructure for now:

  • One webserver (VM name = 00.webserver | ip = 172.16.XYZ.60)
  • One database (VM name = 00.mysql | ip = 172.16.XYZ.70)

⁉️ Let's override the libvirt_vms variables in our group_vars to define new VMs.

Run the vm-create.yml playbook and make sure your infrastructure comes up properly.

2.2. Break the BeerBattle project into roles

⁉️ Start thinking about ansible roles. How can you break the BeerBattle project into roles ? Think about DevOps best practices (monitoring tools, application users, pieces of automation shared between the database and the webserver).

Once you have your roles defined, init them with the command:

cd <root>/ansible/roles
ansible-galaxy init <rolename>
2.3. Work on common role(s) together

Start building the common role(s) with your peer, this role(s) will then be added to webservers.yml and databases.yml

Once you think you have the common parts, let's order the main course!

3. Stage 3 - Main course

For this stage, we will split the two-person team into two. One of you will work on webservers.yml and specific web roles and the other one will work on databases.yml and the related roles.

⁉️ For now, the goal is to install and configure the version v1.0.0 of the webapp and the database.

📍 As you can see, both of you need to deploy the devops-360-webapp repository, it might be a good idea to coordinate with your peer and create a role for that so that you do not do the same job twice.

3.1. webservers.yml

⁉️ Think about what roles you should create to automate the BeerBattle webapp and implement them.

📍 Here are some useful links for you that you may need How to Serve Flask applications with UWSGI, Python Virtualenv, Quickstart for Python WSGI applications

3.2. databases.yml
  • Checkout the database requirements that the developers have left for you in 1. Mysql Database

⁉️ Think about what roles you should create to automate the BeerBattle database and implement them.

📍 Here are some useful links for you that you may need Ansible Mysql modules, A Basic Mysql Tutorial, MySQL Utilities ~/.my.cnf.

3.3. Note about accessing 00.webserver on port 80

If you can not connect to, You will have to install Nginx and configure it as a reverse proxy to send traffic to 00.webserver on the Ansible controller, the configuration should look like:

upstream devops-360-proxy {

server {
    listen *:80;
    server_name _;

    access_log /var/log/nginx/devops-360-proxy-access.log;
    error_log /var/log/nginx/devops-360-proxy-error.log;

    location / {
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
        proxy_pass http://devops-360-proxy;

4. Stage 4 - Cheese plate

In this section we will work on scalability and redundancy. Let's add an extra webserver and a loadbalancer to the infrastructure:

  • One more webserver (VM name = 01.webserver | ip = 172.16.XYZ.61)
  • One load balancer (VM name = 00.loadbalancer | ip = 172.16.XYZ.50)

⁉️ The webserver part should be really quick to do as this server is the same as 00.webserver. For 00.loadbalancer you can install Nginx and use Nginx to do loadbalancing over your two webservers (Using nginx as HTTP load balancer). If you already built an nginx role, you can reuse it, otherwise it might be time to refactor some code 😏 ...

Everything is working? It's time for the desert then!

5. Stage 5 - Desert

Let's do a release process.

If we sum-up, right now our infrastructure is made of:

  • 00.loadbalancer : Clients entrypoint
  • 00.webserver : Web server part of the loadbalancer serving the webapp
  • 01.webserver : Web server part of the loadbalancer serving the webapp
  • 00.webserver : Web server part of the loadbalancer serving the webapp
  • 00.mysql : The database used by the webapp

Let's release v2.0.0 on the webserver 00.webserver. For this deployment we will adopt a Canary release process:

Image Canary release

⁉️ During this deployment, the database 00.mysql will also have to upgrade the database schemas. Make sure your automation runs on 00.mysql and 00.webserver but make sure to leave 01.webserver intact! Once the release is done, you should have both v1.0.0 and v2.0.0 available through the loadbalancer 00.loadbalancer. Update whatever variables you need to do this release process, you can also use --extra-vars argument with your play command.

If you can not connect to, You will have to install Nginx and configure it as a reverse proxy to send traffic to 00.loadbalancer on the Ansible controller, the configuration should look like:

upstream devops-360-proxy {

server {
    listen *:80;
    server_name _;

    access_log /var/log/nginx/devops-360-proxy-access.log;
    error_log /var/log/nginx/devops-360-proxy-error.log;

    location / {
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
        proxy_pass http://devops-360-proxy;

⁉️ Is the v2.0.0 running properly ? What should we do we do now ?

⁉️ Depending on how went the release, you should be fully running on v1.0.0 or on v2.0.0.

A full-course meal is never done without a digestive...

6. Stage 6 - Digestive

Let's do a Blue/Green deployment on the infrastructure.

Blue/Green deployment means that you should duplicate your stack like: Image of Blue/Green Infrastructure

Here is how your inventory should look like:

### Blue Stack





### Green Stack





### General section




Create a new inventory like inventories/blue-green and drop the above host file in there.

If needed: On the ansible controller, drop the following configuration in /etc/nginx/sites-available/proxy (Remember to create the symlink in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/proxy and make sure the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf has the include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*; statement in the http block):

resolver 172.16.XYZ.254;

server {
    listen *:80;
    server_name _;

    access_log /var/log/nginx/beerbattle-loadbalancer-access.log;
    error_log /var/log/nginx/beerbattle-loadbalancer-error.log;

    set $upstream;

    location / {
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
        proxy_pass $upstream;

Made with ♥ for teaching people


DevOps 360° is an introduction to Ansible for master degree students






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