A programming language based on line length
Line Length | Name | Description |
9 | inp |
Pushes the ascii value of the first byte of stdin to the stack. |
10 | add |
Adds the top two values on the stack and pushes the result onto the stack. |
11 | sub |
Subtracts the top two values on the stack and pushes the result onto the stack. |
12 | dup |
Duplicates the top value of the stack. |
13 | cond |
If the top value of the stack is 0, skip the next instruction. Then pop it. |
14 | gotou |
Sets the program counter to the value of the line under the instruction. |
15 | outn |
Pops the top of the stack, and outputs it as a number. |
16 | outa |
Pops the top of the stack, and outputs its ascii value. |
17 | rol |
Rotates the stack to the left: [ 7 6 5 ] -> [ 6 5 7 ] |
18 | swap |
Swaps the top two values of the stack: [ 7 6 5 ] -> [ 6 7 5 ] |
20 | mul |
Multiplies the top two values on the stack and pushes the result onto the stack. |
21 | div |
Divides the top two values on the stack and pushes the result onto the stack. |
23 | pop |
Pops the top value of the stack |
24 | gotos |
Sets the program counter to the value on top of the stack |
25 | push |
Pushes the value of the line under it to the stack, and skips that line |
27 | ror |
Rotates the stack to the right: [ 7 6 5 ] -> [ 5 7 6 ] |
Esolangs link: (go here instead, its a bit more detailed)