In this challenge, the user connects to the server and is prompted with the following question:
What properties should your magic wand have?
Following this, the user can input any property in hex which is then added as a characteristic for a magic wand, this is reapeated three times. Should the user input repeated properties, then the program will prompt:
Only different properties are allowed!
and following this error prompt will exit. A full example of a server interaction is as so:
What properties should your magic wand have?
Property: FF
Property: 0F
Property: FF
Only different properties are allowed!
In order to better understand the function of the server, it is necessary to delve into its decision making code.
def main():
tags = []
characteristics = []
print("What properties should your magic wand have?")
message = "Property: "
counter = 0
while counter < 3:
characteristic = bytes.fromhex(input(message))
if characteristic not in characteristics:
characteristic_tag = aes.tag(message.encode() + characteristic, IV)
if len(tags) > len(set(tags)):
counter += 1
print("Only different properties are allowed!")
The program begins as observed above, with a prompt for a magic wand characteristic. Following this, the chracteristic is converted to bytes, and added to a list of prior characteristics if it is unique. The characterstic is then encrypted using the provided custom AESWCM
class and appended to a list of prior AES
encrypted tags. The flag is revealed if the length of the tag list is greater than the length of the set of the tags list; that is, if there is a duplicate in the tag list then the flag is printed. Therefore, all that must be achieved to determine the flag is AES
collision; however, AES
is not a hash function and there are no collisions, so there must be some error in the provided AESWCM
class that facilitates a collision.
Beginning our analysis of the AESWCM
class, let us briefly go through AESWCM.__init__
def __init__(self, key):
self.key = key
self.cipher =, AES.MODE_ECB)
self.BLOCK_SIZE = 16
Within this constructor, there are three important variables created.
$self.key$ $self.cipher$ $self.BLOCK\_SIZE$
encryption method implemented within the AESWCM
class. What AES
mode is used, you might ask? Well, using my top notch detective skills (I put the NSA to shame Hire me please) on the assignment of self.cipher
I think it is safe to say we are using AES-ECB
, which is an insecure AES
encryption standard that I will discuss momentarily. The final variable declared is AES-ECB
Let's take a brief moment to review AES-ECB
and why it is one of the more (if not most) insecure AES
modes. To begin, AES-ECB
is a block cipher, meaning that it splits a plaintext into blocks of a particular number of bytes. In our case,
pt = "000000000000000000000000000000000101010101010101010101010101010102020202020202020202020202020202"
pt_blocks = blockify(pt)
# pt_blocks = ["00000000000000000000000000000000", "01010101010101010101010101010101", "02020202020202020202020202020202"]
A single hex 'digit' is AES
block encryption.
graph TD
classDef default fill:#0080FF,stroke:#000,color:#000
classDef key fill:#80FF00,stroke:#000,color:#000
classDef encryption fill:#FF8000,stroke:#000,color:#000
classDef ct fill:#FF007F,stroke:#000,color:#000
pt1("Plaintext Block 1")
pt2("Plaintext Block 2")
pt3("Plaintext Block 3")
e1("Block Cipher Encryption"):::encryption
e2("Block Cipher Encryption"):::encryption
e3("Block Cipher Encryption"):::encryption
The issue and vulnerability in AES-ECB
is that every single block is encrypted with the same key such that if the plaintext of one block is known, then any other reoccurences of identical ciphertext indicate the known plaintext. Consider the following:
pt_1 = "mega secret msg:"
pt_2 = "mega secret msg: do not use AES pwds"
# Omiited blocking of plaintexts
# Ommitted encryption calls
ct_1 = "18b44cd1683cf0b227de75a43a5b2f46"
ct_2 = "18b44cd1683cf0b227de75a43a5b2f462357ff9ee5b21a1b9b2464644b094823"
# The first 16 bytes of both ciphertexts are the same because they the same plaintext
This is one of the primary ways in which AES-ECB
is vulnerable to attacks, the same plaintext will result in the same ciphertext every time. Now that AES-ECB
has been briefly reviewed, let us move onto some AESWCM
class functions
As priorly discussed, AES-ECB
is a block cipher and encrypts blocks of a particular size (in this case Crypto.Util.Padding
so long as
def pad(self, pt):
if len(pt) % self.BLOCK_SIZE != 0:
pt = pad(pt, self.BLOCK_SIZE)
return pt
An example output from this function is as such:
pt = b'pad this'
# pt_pad = pad(pt)
pt_pad = b'pad this\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08'
The aptly named blockify
function is quite straightforward. Essentially, it accepts a byte array
def blockify(self, message):
return [
message[i:i + self.BLOCK_SIZE]
for i in range(0, len(message), self.BLOCK_SIZE)
An example output from this function is as such:
pt = b'blockify this message please and thank you :)'
pt_blocks = [b'blockify this me', b'ssage please and', b' thank you :)']
The xor
function does exactly as the name implies and xors two
0 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 1 | 1 |
1 | 0 | 1 |
1 | 1 | 0 |
Additionally, it has several useful properties:
$A\oplus 0 = A$ $A\oplus A=0$ $(A\oplus B)\oplus C = A\oplus (B\oplus C)$ $A\oplus B = B\oplus A$ -
$A\oplus B=C \Rightarrow A\oplus C = B \wedge C\oplus B = A$
For this challenge in particular, the most important properties are$\oplus$ 's commutativity property and the fact that to undo a$\oplus$ you perform$\oplus$ on the result with either term (Shown as the last property in the list above)
Now that the blockify
, xor
and pad
functions have been discussed, the main encryption function can be looked at.
def encrypt(self, pt, iv):
pt = self.pad(pt)
blocks = self.blockify(pt)
xor_block = iv
ct = []
for block in blocks:
ct_block = self.cipher.encrypt(self.xor(block, xor_block))
xor_block = self.xor(block, ct_block)
return b"".join(ct).hex()
The first step of the encrypt
function is for the message to be padded and then split into blocks using the aforementioned pad
and blockify
functions. Thereafter, a variable named AES-ECB
objected created in AESWCM.__init__
. A very important part of this process is that AES-ECB
encryption into something similar to AES-CBC
which we will quickly review.
Similarly to AES-ECB
is a block cipher and a provided plaintext is divided into blocks for encryption. However, unlike AES-ECB
, each AES-ECB
where blocks consisting of the same plaintext receive the same ciphertext. Here is a colorful graph for you to ponder:
flowchart TD
classDef default fill:#0080FF,stroke:#000,color:#000
classDef key fill:#80FF00,stroke:#000,color:#000
classDef encryption fill:#FF8000,stroke:#000,color:#000
classDef ct fill:#FF007F,stroke:#000,color:#000
classDef iv fill:#6600CC,stroke:#000,color:#000
classDef xor fill:#FFF,stroke:#000,color:#000
pt1("Plaintext Block 1")
pt2("Plaintext Block 2")
pt3("Plaintext Block 3")
e1("Block Cipher Encryption"):::encryption
e2("Block Cipher Encryption"):::encryption
e3("Block Cipher Encryption"):::encryption
ct1("Ciphertext Block 1"):::ct
ct2("Ciphertext Block 2"):::ct
ct3("Ciphertext Block 3"):::ct
Now, returning to the encrypt
function we notice a peculiarity. In typical AES-CBC
implementations, there is not a AESWCM
process provides the following:
flowchart TD
classDef default fill:#0080FF,stroke:#000,color:#000
classDef key fill:#80FF00,stroke:#000,color:#000
classDef encryption fill:#FF8000,stroke:#000,color:#000
classDef ct fill:#FF007F,stroke:#000,color:#000
classDef xor fill:#FFF,stroke:#000,color:#000
classDef iv fill:#FFD900,stroke:#000,color:#000
pt1("Plaintext Block 1")
pt2("Plaintext Block 2")
pt3("Plaintext Block 3")
e1("Block Cipher Encryption"):::encryption
e2("Block Cipher Encryption"):::encryption
e3("Block Cipher Encryption"):::encryption
ct1("Ciphertext Block 1"):::ct
ct2("Ciphertext Block 2"):::ct
ct3("Ciphertext Block 3"):::ct
IV("IV (xor_block)"):::iv
IVxor2("⊕ (xor_block)"):::iv
IVxor3("⊕ (xor_block)"):::iv
The final funtion in the AESWCM
class and the same function called inside main
is the tag
function. This function acts as an outline for the entire creation process of a wand characteristic's tag and is incredibly important. Thankfully, it is also quite simple.
def tag(self, pt, iv=os.urandom(16)):
blocks = self.blockify(bytes.fromhex(self.encrypt(pt, iv)))
ct = blocks[0]
for i in range(1, len(blocks)):
ct = self.xor(blocks[i], ct)
return ct.hex()
A majority of the work performed by this function ocurrs within its first line where the encrypt function is called on the passed pt
and subsequently split into blocks once more. These blocks are then randomly shuffled, and the first block in the blocks
list is blocks
and then returned. See? It's pretty straightforward.
Now that we fully understand the happenings of the script, it is time to break it and cause a collision, and in order to facilitate this let's work backwards. The tag added to list is a result of the tag
calls must be the same. The simplest manner by which this can be achieved is by first passing enough plaintext for a singular block, and then somehow having the second block be a repetition of
Therefore, the next best option, is for the result of a
- Determining the ciphertext of the first block (
$ct_1$ ) and the next xor block ($xor\_block_2$ ) - Determining the ciphertext of the first block (
$ct_2$ ) and the next xor block ($xor\_block_3$ ) - Inputting a final block (
$pt_3$ ) that encrypts to the same as the second or first block ($ct_3=ct_2$ or$ct_3=ct_1$ )
Determining the ciphertext of the first block is incredibly simple. If there is only AESWCM
on the second and third iterations.
Determining the ciphertext of the second block is similarly just as simple as with the first block; however, there are some additional steps that should be taken. Firstly, the ciphertext of the second block can be easily found by simply
The final step in creating a tag collision, is by ensuring that the input to the AES-ECB
encrypt is the same, this can be done due to the faulty implementation of xor_block
. The implementation allows us to determine that
Therefore, the plaintext for block
Putting all of these steps together, I created the following crude and manual (Don't judge me I didn't know how to use pwntools) code:
message = "Property: "
def xor(a, b):
return bytes([aa ^ bb for aa, bb in zip(a, b)])
# 000000000000
# 00000000000011111111111111111111111111111111
block1 = b'Property: \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
block2 = b'\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11'
tag1_hex = "3ea94a73f37d7a37a195e2ed066a46e3"
tag1 = bytes.fromhex(tag1_hex)
ct1 = tag1
xor2 = xor(block1, ct1)
tag2_hex = "d35ee132580b4d60d860c3308379389c"
tag2 = bytes.fromhex(tag2_hex)
ct2 = xor(tag2, ct1)
xor3 = xor(block2, ct2)
ans = xor(xor(xor2, xor3), block2)
Running the server in a separate terminal with the given blocks and substituing values into the script allows for the required
This was my first CTF, second challenge I had ever looked at, and first CTF challenge I feel like I solved independently (Most of this came to me in a dream during a shower) and I have to say it was a lot of fun. I would like to say thank you to all my wonderful teammates who welcomed me into this incredible club and helped me get started on this challenge and all others, it has been great to work with you all. Additionally, I would like to give thanks to HackTheBox for putting on such an amazing competition with tons of unique challenges.
If you have any comments or questions shoot me a message, thanks again for reading!