This is a small messaging app where the users must sign up and log in to post new messages. It also has a role system where only verified members can see who posted the messages but only admins can delete the messages.
The project uses the mongoose ORM to connect to a MongoDB database in Atlas, to create the sessions I used express-session and passportjs to create a log in system. I didn't implement JWT, to manage the sessions I only used a local strategy and the security of the system is really weak, but as a learning exercise the project was really fruitfull.
This project was created with the aim of flexing my new skills in the use of databases management (mongoDB), the creation of a log in system alongside user sessions, server side rendering with ejs and form validation.
Since this is a learning exercise I greatly encourage the user to never sing up or login using his personal information.
- To install the libraries that the project requires, run the command
npm install
Before running the program you need to create a .env file containing the next variables:
- DB_CONNECTION: used to connect to the mongoDB database
- SECRET: secret keyword used to create the sessions and encrypt passwords
- MEMBER_KEY: keyword used to promote a user to member status
- ADMIN_KEY: keyword used to promote a user to admin status
To run the program use
npm run start
or in development mode,
npm run start:dev
this starts the project in watch mode, if you want to start the debugger use
npm run start:debug
You can see a live preview here. Using the app is very simple, just sign up or log in to post messages, if you want to see who posted the messages and when, you have to become a member using a secret keyword, that is the same defined inside the .env file, the same aplies to becoming an admin, the difference is that admins can delete messages.