The name of this project is inspired by the instant noodle, which is a quick and easy way to get a meal (which I did a lot when I was (and still am) a student). This project is also a quick and easy way to get your PCRS (*/...) done.
The PCRS website is a course evaluation system used by the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC). It mainly consists of multiple choice questions, videos, and a few short answer questions.
The function of this project is to automate the process of answering the multiple choice questions and watching the videos.
The purpose of this project is:
- To save time for students who are confident in their knowledge of the course material, and want to get their PCRS done as quickly as possible
- To help students who have not found the correct answer to a question and want to know the correct answer so they can spend more time on understanding the answers rather than trying out different answers
- For students who forgot to do their PCRS and want to get it done asap before the deadline and come back to it later.
This is quite possible imo because:
- the PCRS does not take long to complete so it could be easily ignored at the beginning of each week
- it does not come with any notification or alert to remind you to do it
and not to:
- cheat on the PCRS
- Go to the PCRS "Challenges" page (e.g.**/*
) - Simply copy the script in
and paste it into the console of your browser (F12) - There are two elements beside the button, and should be like this:
2 MCQs 2 Videos
if you have 2 MCQs and 2 videos - Click on the button that says "Instant PCRS" and wait for the script to finish
- The two elements beside the button, one for MCQs and one for videos, will be showing the output of the script. For instance:
2/2 Finished 2/2 Finished
or simply use Tampermonkey to install the script
See the purpose section above.
Infinite attempts for each MCQ
The MCQs have html elements with the class name in a common format:
is the id of the question<div id="multiple_choice-***">
The options for each MCQ is under the question's html element with the class name
<div class="controls"> <label class="checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" ...> Option 1 </label> ... </div>
- Get the MCQs by
- For each MCQ, get the options by
- Use ajax to send the request to the server to get the result
- Try empty; if it is correct, then skip to the next question
- Try each option, the option that is correct will increase the score by 1, and the option that is incorrect will decrease the score by 1
- After trying all the options, we know all the correct options and the incorrect options
- Send another ajax request to the server will all known correct options
For the videos, it is quite the same.
Get the videos by
Send a request to the server to notify that the video is watched
data: { 'csrftoken': getCookie('csrftoken'), 'download': 'false' },