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Data Quality Observation of Data Vault layer.


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# package.yml - To be updated once package's published
  - package: <TBD>/dq_vault
    version: [">=0.1.0", "<1.0.0"]
# dbt_project.yml
  - '{{ dq_vault.store_test_results_json(results) }}'


  dq_vault__enable_store_test: true or false
  dq_vault__raw_db: 'your_custom_db or target.database'
  dq_vault__raw_schema: 'your_custom_schema or target.schema'
    - hub: ['hub']
    - sat: ['sat','satellite']
    - link: ['link','tlink','t_link','lnk','tlnk','t_lnk']
    - pit: ['pit']
    - bridge: ['bridge']
    - xts: ['xts']

In above:

  • dq_vault__enable_store_test: bool
    • Set true to tell the package to capture the test results on the run end of dbt command. Default false not to do anything.
  • dq_vault__raw_db: string
    • Configure the database where the raw test log table (RAW_TEST) is created
  • dq_vault__raw_schema: string
    • Configure the schema where the raw test log table (RAW_TEST) is created
  • dq_vault__selected_model_rules: list
    • Define the mapping for selecting the Data Vault models ONLY, currently relying on the model name. The order of item in the list does matter.

Classify Test Type of your test cases

Currently there are 4 built-in test types based on the test name:

  • Duplication: generic test name contains 'unique'
  • Reconciliation:
    • singular test
    • generic test name contains 'equality', 'equal'
  • Reference: generic test name contains 'reference', 'relationship'
  • Unknown: default test type

Decide which test case belong to which test type:

  • Using test config
  - name: my_model
      - my_test:
          test_type: duplication
  • Using test meta
  - name: my_model
      - my_test:
            test_type: duplication


Listing the custom built-in macros in the packages

get_datavault_type (source, doc)

get_test_type (source, doc)

where_select_dv_models (source, doc)

result_to_dict (source, doc)

store_test_results_json (source, doc)

get_raw_test (source, doc)

create_resources (source, doc)

refresh_resouces (source, doc)

Integration Tests

The integration_tests directory contains a dbt project which tests the macros/models/etc in the dq-vault package. An integration test typically involves making 1) a new seed file 2) a new model file 3) a generic test to assert anticipated behaviour.

For an example integration tests, check out the tests for the get_datavault_type macro:

  1. Macro definition
  2. Seed or Model file with fake data
  3. A generic test to assert the macro works as expected

Once you've added all of these files, you should be able to run:

Assuming you are in the integration_tests folder,

dbt deps --target {your_target}
dbt seed --target {your_target}
dbt run --target {your_target} --model {your_model_name}
dbt test --target {your_target} --model {your_model_name}

Alternatively, at the root repo folder (/dq-vault):

chmod +x
./ {your_target} {your_models}

If the tests all pass, then you're good to go! All tests will be run automatically when you create a PR against this repo.

Developer's Guide

  • Quick Start (if you already setup the local dev):

    • Start the shell
      cd /path/to/dq-vault/integration_tests
      python3 -m poetry shell
    • Some sample commands:
      # Build model and capture test result - with refresh the resources (raw_tests table)
      dbt build --exclude source:run_result_log+ tag:failed tag:sample_custom --vars '{dq_vault__enable_store_test: true, fresh: true}'
      # Build integration test/models with potential failed cases
      dbt build --select tag:failed tag:sample_custom --vars '{dq_vault__enable_store_test: true}'
      # Build dq vault main models - downstream of test result log table
      dbt build --select source:run_result_log+
  • Prequisites:

    • Install Python 3.9.6+ as recommended (specified in pyproject.toml)

      Assuming your python alias: python3

      Don't need to use alias if your enviroment is not multi python version

    • Install poetry

    python3 -m pip install poetry
  • Setup dev local enviroment

    1. Set working dir
    cd /path/to/dq-vault
    1. Install dependencies
    python3 -m poetry install
    1. Start shell (equivalent to activate virtualenv)
    python3 -m poetry shell
    1. Install dev dependencies
    poe git-hooks
    # Yes, it's poe, it's not a spelling mistake :)

    Now, you can play with dbt as further!

    • Verify dbt installed version

      dbt --version
    • Copy profiles to '.dbt' dir (create if not exists) under the Users dir.

      # Linux/MacOs
      mkdir ~/.dbt > /dev/null
      cp ./profiles/profiles.yml ~/.dbt/profiles.yml

      NOTE: To simplify the dev, here we update the real password value (not using env_vars) in the profiles.yml after copying

    • Check dbt configs:

      cd integration_tests
      dbt debug [--profiles-dir /path/to/profiles-dir]
    • Run your model

      dbt deps
      dbt seed
      dbt run

    To exit the shell:

    # Enter


Data Quality Observation of Data Vault layer







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