With this plugin you can query documents with vectors and score them based on dot product or cosine similarity. This plugin is the same as Vector Scoring Plugin for Elasticsearch.
This plugin is used in the blog post about Neural Search with Solr: https://medium.com/@dmitry.kan/neural-search-with-bert-and-solr-ea5ead060b28
The upgrade path from lucene / solr 6.6.0 to 8.x is documented here: https://medium.com/swlh/fun-with-apache-lucene-and-bert-embeddings-c2c496baa559
- Pick a suitable release version for your Solr and test it.
- Create issues (and patches)
- Spread the word!
This project is using Maven release plugin.
Using this command you can test the release process:
mvn release:prepare -DdryRun=true
If you think it is good to go, issue:
mvn release:prepare
The plugin was developed and tested on Solr 6.6.0
- Copy VectorPlugin.jar to {solr.install.dir}/dist/plugins/
- Add the library to solrconfig.xml file:
<lib dir="${solr.install.dir:../../../..}/dist/plugins/" regex=".*\.jar" />
- Add the plugin Query parser to solrconfig.xml:
<queryParser name="vp" class="com.github.saaay71.solr.VectorQParserPlugin" />
- Add the fieldType
to schema file(managed-schema):
<fieldType name="VectorField" class="solr.TextField" indexed="true" termOffsets="true" stored="true" termPayloads="true" termPositions="true" termVectors="true" storeOffsetsWithPositions="true">
<tokenizer class="solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory"/>
<filter class="solr.DelimitedPayloadTokenFilterFactory" encoder="float"/>
- Add the field
to schema file:
<field name="vector" type="VectorField" indexed="true" termOffsets="true" stored="true" termPositions="true" termVectors="true" multiValued="true"/>
- Start Solr!
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8983/solr/{your-collection-name}/update?commit=true --data-binary '
{"name":"example 0", "vector":"0|1.55 1|3.53 2|2.3 3|0.7 4|3.44 5|2.33 "},
{"name":"example 1", "vector":"0|3.54 1|0.4 2|4.16 3|4.88 4|4.28 5|4.25 "},
{"name":"example 2", "vector":"0|1.11 1|0.6 2|1.47 3|1.99 4|2.91 5|1.01 "},
{"name":"example 3", "vector":"0|0.06 1|4.73 2|0.29 3|1.27 4|0.69 5|3.9 "},
{"name":"example 4", "vector":"0|4.01 1|3.69 2|2 3|4.36 4|1.09 5|0.1 "},
{"name":"example 5", "vector":"0|0.64 1|3.95 2|1.03 3|1.65 4|0.99 5|0.09 "}
Open your browser and copy the links
http://localhost:8983/solr/{your-collection-name}/query?fl=name,score,vector&q={!vp f=vector vector="0.1,4.75,0.3,1.2,0.7,4.0"}
You should see the following result:
"q":"{!myqp f=vector vector=\"0.1,4.75,0.3,1.2,0.7,4.0\"}",
"name":["example 3"],
"vector":["0|0.06 1|4.73 2|0.29 3|1.27 4|0.69 5|3.9 "],
"name":["example 0"],
"vector":["0|1.55 1|3.53 2|2.3 3|0.7 4|3.44 5|2.33 "],
"name":["example 5"],
"vector":["0|0.64 1|3.95 2|1.03 3|1.65 4|0.99 5|0.09 "],
"name":["example 4"],
"vector":["0|4.01 1|3.69 2|2 3|4.36 4|1.09 5|0.1 "],
"name":["example 1"],
"vector":["0|3.54 1|0.4 2|4.16 3|4.88 4|4.28 5|4.25 "],
"name":["example 2"],
"vector":["0|1.11 1|0.6 2|1.47 3|1.99 4|2.91 5|1.01 "],
Adding the parameter cosine=false
calculates the dot product
http://localhost:8983/solr/{your-collection-name}/query?fl=name,score,vector&q={!vp f=vector vector="0.1,4.75,0.3,1.2,0.7,4.0" cosine=false}
result of query 2:
"q":"{!myqp f=vector vector=\"0.1,4.75,0.3,1.2,0.7,4.0\" cosine=false}",
"name":["example 3"],
"vector":["0|0.06 1|4.73 2|0.29 3|1.27 4|0.69 5|3.9 "],
"name":["example 0"],
"vector":["0|1.55 1|3.53 2|2.3 3|0.7 4|3.44 5|2.33 "],
"name":["example 1"],
"vector":["0|3.54 1|0.4 2|4.16 3|4.88 4|4.28 5|4.25 "],
"vector":["0|4.01 1|3.69 2|2 3|4.36 4|1.09 5|0.1 "],
"vector":["0|0.64 1|3.95 2|1.03 3|1.65 4|0.99 5|0.09 "],
"vector":["0|1.11 1|0.6 2|1.47 3|1.99 4|2.91 5|1.01 "],
Quering on other fields and with vector scoring.
http://localhost:8983/solr/{your-collection-name}/query?fl=name,score,vector&q={!vp f=vector vector="0.1,4.75,0.3,1.2,0.7,4.0" cosine=false}name="example 2","example 4"
result of query 3:
"q":"{!myqp f=vector vector=\"0.1,4.75,0.3,1.2,0.7,4.0\" cosine=false}name=\"example 2\",\"example 4\"",
"name":["example 4"],
"vector":["0|4.01 1|3.69 2|2 3|4.36 4|1.09 5|0.1 "],
"name":["example 2"],
"vector":["0|1.11 1|0.6 2|1.47 3|1.99 4|2.91 5|1.01 "],