The ffw-alertsystem provides applications to decode and process POCSAG-telegrams in order to steer and trigger configurable activities, which are managed by the plugin-based ffw-alertmonitor. For further descriptions and usage see in-file comments. Please take also note of the legal information and restrictions, outlined in LICENSE.
- alertreceiver
- alertmonitor
- watchdog
- AlertActionExecuter
- DatabaseWriter
- MessageListener (connects monitor and receiver)
- MessageLogger
- TestAlerter
- WatchdogResetter
- WebInterface
- 2 ExamplePlugins
- AlertMailInformer
- AlertSMSInformer
- AlertSpeaker
- HTMLBuilder
- SystemHibernate
- TVSwitchOn
- alertrecv-script
- arduino-IR-module
- ...
- Needs jdk 1.8
- Build tool: Apache ant
- Should run on all debian-based systems
- Core applications dependencies:
- jcommander-1.48.jar
- javax.mail.jar
- Additional for alertreceiver: jetty-websockets 9.x
- For external dependencies of plugins see their buildfiles
- Run will build all core applications and plugins
- to build receiver: src/core/
- to build monitor: src/core/
- to build watchdog: src/core/
- to build plugins:
- monitor-plugins: src/plugins/build-monitorplugins/
- alert-actions: src/plugins/build-alertactions/
- alertmonitor: run-alertmonitor {start|stop|debug}
- alertreceiver: run-alertreceiver {start|stop|debug}
- watchdog: run-watchdog {start|stop|debug}
- MonitorPlugins and AlertActions run as part of the alertmonitor-application and will be configurated in XML-file, see example-config-files.