Automation of Cambridge 105 Radio's overnight election coverage
This repository contains the code files for running overnight election coverage. The idea is that correspondents at the counts have access to a Dropbox folder, where they file their reports. These are then automatically played out during overnight automation, accompanied by a few pre-recorded phrases.
- ffmpeg
- Liquidsoap
- Icecast server Tested on Ubuntu 16.04
- xx:00:00 - Silence (for IRN)
- xx:01:58 - Start playing a sequence file, called sequence_MP3WRAP.mp3
- When the sequence file ends, play jingles and music in a 1:3 ratio (where the music list is stored in music.m3u and the jingles in jingles.m3u)
- xx:29:44 - Play a headline intro
- xx:29:57 - Play a repeat of IRN from the top of the hour
- xx:31:57 - Play the sequence file again
- xx:58:27 - Silence (for TOTH sequence) This is all based on a 3 second delay to TX.
The sequence file is made up of a number of other files, central to which are the three per-constituency package files: _MP3WRAP.mp3
These are formed of an intro, the packages from the Dropbox (a file called results.mp3 / results.wav first, then the next two latest clips) and an outro and a jingle. If there are no clips, the whole file is 0 bytes (ie we don't intro when there's nothing to intro)
Because we don't know exactly what format of MP3 / wav (bit rate, sample rate, channels) the correspondents will add to the dropbox, everything is re-sampled by ffmpeg and re-saved in a clips_safe/ directory
All of this is orchestrated by the cronjob, which:
- rsyncs the clips from Dropbox to the clips/ directory
- grabs the IRN news after publication so it's ready to repeat
- runs ffmeg to resample IRN as it's provided mono
- runs to resample clips and re-save them in clips_safe/ (note the filename is misleading, it actually does resample mp3s as well as wavs)
- runs for each consitutency to create the three packages, which uses MP3WRAP to create the package file itself
- runs to create the sequence file (must be done after the packages are ready), again calling MP3WRAP
Be aware that MP3WRAP has no 'quiet' flag and prompts on file-overwrite, so we delete the existing file each time before starting.
liquidsoap elex.liq