Apply .cube file on image in python
The LUT.h wrapper for python. Support both .cube file and numpy lut format.
- pybind11
- eigen
- the C++ compiler support C++14 and openmp
mkdir build
cmake ..
add the generated .so file to the path where python can find it.
import cv2
import numpy as np
from pathlib2 import Path
import sys
# the path of .so where python can find it
from python.PyApplyLUT import PyApplyLUT
from python.lut_tools import cube_to_npy
INPUT_IMG = Path(r".\test\1.jpg")
LUT_FILE = Path(r".\test\1.cube")
# normlizer the input picture to 0~1
img = cv2.imread(INPUT_IMG.as_posix())
img = img / 255
# apply lut
# method 1 load lut from a .cube file
alut = PyApplyLUT(lut_file=LUT_FILE)
new_img = alut.apply_lut(img)
# recover to 0~255
new_img = new_img * 255
# method 2 load lut from the np array
cubenpy = cube_to_npy(LUT_FILE)
alut = PyApplyLUT(lut_dim=32, lut_cube=cubenpy)
new_img = alut.apply_lut(img)
# recover to 0~255
new_img = new_img * 255