insert - inserts a key value in a given spot in the link list relative to another previously identified link list. alias i
append - adds a node to the list. If the key is already in the list an error is thrown. alias a
prepend - adds a node to the beginning of the list. If the key is already in the list an error is thrown. alias p
print - prints the nodes in the list from head to tail
some - iterates through the list until a node meeting satisfies the iterator function criteria. Return an expression that evaluates truthy to halt iteration will return the whether or not it halted prematurely. alias s
each - iterates through the list applying the iterator function to each element. alias e
map - iterates through the list applying the iterator function to each element, while storing the results of each iteration in a result array. alias m
list - a short cut for a map that returns all the nodes in an array. alias m
keys - a short cut for a map that returns all the keys in an array. alias k