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A Mandelbrot set renderer (with zoom!) I implemented for fun in Rust.



Running the project cargo r -r will create a "slide show" of separate frames in ./data. These can then be stitched together with FFmpeg with something like:

ffmpeg -framerate 30 -i 'data/img%03d.png' -pix_fmt yuv420p output.mp4

Note If you're on Windows, you can install FFmpeg via Chocolatey with

choco install ffmpeg -y


Currently, there's no "nice" way for users to do any sort of configuration without editing the code directly. As I worked on this purely for my own fun, I'm not too interested in implementing that.

There's a few things you might want to edit:

What Where Use
point This is the point the video will be zooming towards
scale_off This determines the amount each thread will zoom by. Changing the denominator is an easy way to affect how quickly/slowly the zoom happens
width The output image width. The FFmpeg command I mention works with 1920 and 480 so these are the two I left here for now. Use 480 for testing and 1920 for a nicer render. This can in theory just be whatever number you want (I rendered a 50kp frame at some point)
COLORS The color pallete. This should be 11 elements, if you want to use more, you probably need to make sure the depth works and is handled correctly.
MAX_DEPTH The maximum depth used in the Mandelbrot calculations. I have not played with this at all 👍


My SIMD code relies on a bunch of features that have not landed in stable Rust yet (it didn't really need to use any of them but I just wanted to try some new stuff out) and thus you need the Nightly toolchain to build those. They are put behind a simd feature so that you can still tinker with the rest of the project in stable Rust.

rustup default nightly
# Might also need a `rustup update`
cargo b -r -F simd


I ran some simple benchmarks with hyperfine and got the following results:

1920x1080p - 30 frames

Benchmark 1: Simple
  Time (mean ± σ):     68.014 s ±  1.744 s    [User: 66.984 s, System: 0.239 s]
  Range (min … max):   66.985 s … 71.085 s    5 runs
Benchmark 2: Parallel (2 threads)
  Time (mean ± σ):     41.453 s ±  4.840 s    [User: 75.976 s, System: 0.227 s]
  Range (min … max):   38.249 s … 49.833 s    5 runs

Benchmark 3: SIMD
  Time (mean ± σ):     39.394 s ±  0.522 s    [User: 38.457 s, System: 0.203 s]
  Range (min … max):   38.724 s … 39.954 s    5 runs
Benchmark 4: Parallel
  Time (mean ± σ):     20.054 s ±  1.140 s    [User: 123.051 s, System: 0.649 s]
  Range (min … max):   18.492 s … 21.706 s    5 runs
Benchmark 5: SIMD + Parallel
  Time (mean ± σ):     14.300 s ±  0.235 s    [User: 70.323 s, System: 0.490 s]
  Range (min … max):   13.912 s … 14.477 s    5 runs
Benchmark 6: SIMD (f64x8) + Parallel
  Time (mean ± σ):     10.257 s ±  1.228 s    [User: 54.645 s, System: 0.259 s]
  Range (min … max):    8.062 s … 10.859 s    5 runs


Towards the ends of both videos in the assets folder, you can see what I presume to be the limitations of 64-bit floating number accuracy. Ways to go past that include using 128-bit floats or multiple-precision floating-point numbers. Neither of these natively support Windows which is why I chose to not go any further.

There's also astro-float which is written in native Rust but do keep in mind that it is much slower than using standard floats (as is likely the case with the 2 other alternatives I mentioned previously, I've just happened to have only used this one).

Stuff that Helped me


Zooming in the Mandelbrot set with Rust






